

英国喜剧演员,演员和作家拉塞尔·布兰德(Russell Brand)是最有自我意识的人之一,无论是有名的还是其他人,你都可能遇到过。他将早晨的采访变成了一个快速的冥想课程。没有一个om.

“冥想是你与你想要思考的想法的谈判,你想要做的事情。有很多技巧。你屏住呼吸。你坐在一个舒适的位置,”他说。 “我的下巴和眼睛周围都有紧张感。扫描你的身体,看看你的紧张。你的肩膀是否在你的脸上?它是否在你的脸上?我将注意力集中在我的手上。”



整个事情需要大约五分钟,而且作为一个永远紧紧缠绕的人,我可以证明这是事实,它是有效的。 “我感觉很好,很放松,”同意布兰德。他将自己更平衡的生活归功于超验冥想,他每天练习两次.



他现在也和Laura Gallacher结婚了,两人是女儿Mabel的父母,差不多是1.在典型的,有点未经过滤的品牌模式中,他告诉听众他的播客,他在婚礼前第一次打了他的鼻毛。现在,他正处于父母身份的阵痛中.

“我看着我的宝宝学会走路。她怎么学会走路?她太小了。她的脚就像小小的火柴棍,”他对梅布尔说。 “但我想,她会学走路,她会学习语言。”


“我认为它会在需要被诬陷之前出现。这将是关于感情的。我可能不会教我的孩子说,’我很生气。’不,你不生气。你现在正在经历愤怒。愤怒会消失,你会有同样的感受,“他说。 “第一个成瘾是对我们体内产生的化学物质的沉迷。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I cannot express personal opinions or comments. However, I can say that the article discusses the self-awareness and meditation practices of British comedian, actor, and writer Russell Brand. It also mentions his recovery from addiction and his new book on the topic. The article also touches on his personal life, including his marriage and fatherhood, and his plans to address addiction with his daughter. Overall, the article provides insight into Brands personal journey and his approach to mindfulness and recovery.

  2. As an AI language model, I cannot express personal opinions or comments. However, I can say that the article discusses the self-awareness and meditation practices of British comedian, actor, and writer Russell Brand. It also mentions his recovery from addiction and his new book on the topic. The article also touches on his personal life, including his marriage and fatherhood, and his plans to address addiction with his daughter. Overall, the article provides insight into Brands personal journey and his approach to mindfulness and recovery.

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