


“尘螨是居住在家中的最大掠食者之一,”纽约市莱诺克斯山医院急诊室医生Robert Glatter博士说。根据乔治华盛顿大学最近的一项研究,潜伏在尘埃中的超过45种有毒化学物质与呼吸,行为和神经发育问题有关。.



今天全国调查记者杰夫罗森邀请健康的家庭专家丽莎贝雷斯到他自己的房子,揭示最常见的尘螨斑点 – 以及如何摆脱他们.

玩具: “这就是尘螨茁壮成长的地方,”贝雷斯在罗森的女儿房间里警告说,许多玩具收集了灰尘。但她补充说:“将每个玩具放入冰箱24小时,它会杀死尘螨。”

床垫和枕头 Beres说,“尘螨最喜欢的地区之一”。但是有一个简单的解决方案:“获取过敏原屏障盖并将其放在枕头和床垫上。”

杰夫 Rossen vaccums dust off his air vent.

通风口 在罗森家中居住着最大的尘埃。在贝雷斯的指导下,罗森爬上了一个梯子,吸尘了他。 “每次做日常清洁时都要这样做,它会保持空气清新,”Beres承诺.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is alarming to know that an average household collects 40 pounds of dust annually, which is a breeding ground for dust mites. These tiny creatures can cause health problems as they are one of the biggest predators living in our homes. Moreover, recent studies have found over 45 toxic chemicals lurking in the dust that can lead to respiratory, behavioral, and neurological issues. It is essential to take measures to get rid of dust mites before they make us sick. Simple solutions like keeping toys in the fridge for 24 hours, using allergen barrier covers for pillows and mattresses, and cleaning air vents regularly can help reduce dust mites. Additionally, air purifiers can capture floating dust and allergens, making it easier to breathe and sleep. It is crucial to take these steps to ensure a healthy living environment for ourselves and our loved ones.

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