



“我并不感到惊讶,”美国新闻与世界报道健康助理总编辑安吉拉豪普特告诉今日。 “有太多非常强大的研究表明,地中海饮食可以帮助你减肥并保持体重,并帮助预防一系列疾病。”




“你并没有剥夺自己的地中海饮食。你当然可以喝葡萄酒,”豪普特说。 “你对最佳表现者的看法是有灵活性的。”

在整体饮食方面,Flexitarian饮食排名第三,而Weight Watchers排名第四。 Weight Watchers再次成为商业饮食中的第一名,Jenny Craig排名第二,Flat Belly和Nutritarian饮食排名第三.

威斯康星大学健康大学营养学家Alisa Sunness没有参与排名,他说最高等级的饮食会鼓励相同类型的饮食习惯.

“他们都支持更多的水果和蔬菜,瘦肉蛋白和心脏健康的脂肪和全谷物,”她说。 “饮食中使用的食物含有极少量的脂肪和糖,并且使用天然形式的食物,这些食物自然会营养丰富。”


“我很惊讶,因为酮症饮食现在有一个时刻,”豪普特说。 “当然,我们知道流行并不总是健康的。”


“最好的饮食归结为一个人可以长期保持的,”Sunness说。 “一些排除食物类别的饮食模式总会引起关注。”


专家评估的另一种新饮食,营养素饮食是一项膳食计划,专注于营养丰富的食物,以加强整体健康和促进减肥,营养研究基金会主席Joel Fuhrman博士开始。它在商业饮食中排名第三,在整体饮食中排名第15.


  • 短期减肥,第一年有意义减肥的可能性
  • 长期减肥,两年或两年以上有意义的减肥效果
  • 它能够预防糖尿病或维持血糖水平
  • 它有促进心血管健康的能力
  • 跟随它是多么容易
  • 它的营养成分如何
  • 是否会带来健康风险,如营养不良或快速流失

虽然流行的饮食,如Whole 30和生酮饮食,排名很差,但Haupt说这并不意味着如果他们喜欢的话,人们应该跳过它们.

“他们是专家们心目中的底线,但做这些人的人肯定看起来很高兴,”她说。 “这并不意味着他们不起作用。这意味着他们可能不健康,可能不会带来持久的健康。“


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    Considering the New Years diet, people may consider old standards such as the DASH diet, Mediterranean diet, or diets for weight loss. According to the US News & World Reports 2018 Best Diet Rankings, these diets still perform higher. For the eighth consecutive year, DASH was rated as the best overall diet. But the Mediterranean diet ranked first for the first time in history. “Im not surprised,” Angela Haupt, health assistant editor for US News & World Report, told Today. “Theres too much powerful research showing that the Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight and maintain weight, and help prevent a range of diseases.”

    The DASH diet, developed by the National Institutes of Health to lower blood pressure, mainly focuses on vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes similar foods but encourages the consumption of healthy fats such as olive oil or vegetable oil and allows some alcohol. “Youre not depriving yourself on the Mediterranean diet. You can certainly have wine,” Haupt said. “Your view of the top performers is flexible.”

    In terms of overall diets, the Flexitarian diet ranked third, while Weight Watchers ranked fourth. Weight Watchers once again became the top commercial diet, with Jenny Craig ranking second, and Flat Belly and Nutritarian diets ranking third.

    Alisa Sunness, a nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin Health University, who did not participate in the ranking, said the highest-ranked diets would encourage the same types of eating habits. “They all support more fruits and vegetables, lean protein, heart-healthy fats, and whole grains,” she said. “The foods used in the diets contain minimal amounts of fat and sugar and use natural forms of food, which are naturally nutrient-rich.”

    This year, experts studied two new diets, the Nutritarian diet and the ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet. They rated the keto diet as the worst diet. “Im surprised because the keto diet has a moment now,” Haupt said. “Of course, we know that trends are not always healthy.”

    The keto diet is a low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, high-fat diet. But it can be difficult to follow, which may contribute to its low score. “The best diets come down to something a person can sustain long-term,”

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