汉堡王让客户了解网络中立性 – 与Whoppers一起

汉堡王让客户了解网络中立性 – 与Whoppers一起

“The Whopper实际上教会了我关于网络中立性的信息,”一位客户在汉堡王的新广告中说道.


在发布其备受好评的反欺凌PSA后几个月,快餐连锁店正在解决另一个热点问题。这一次,它是互联网速度和所有人的平等访问 – 也称为网络中立.



在新的商业广告中,以正常价格订购汉堡的顾客在发现他们需要等待更长时间才能获得“汉堡”时会感到愤怒,而不是那些为“更快的服务”支付更高费用的人 – 在某些情况下,真正的客户几乎付钱 快点吃饭的次数.


他们指着菜单上写着:“Whopper MBPS(每秒制作汉堡),慢速:4.99美元,快速12.99美元,超快:25.99美元。”

汉堡包 King Net Neutrality Ad



在社交媒体上,有些人似乎很困惑。 “汉堡王应该坚持制作食物,”一位顾客在Facebook上写道。 “我不希望生活中的每一个方面都涉及政策辩论。”

但其他人则喜欢餐厅采取政治立场的事实。 “感谢汉堡王与人民站在一起,帮助我们挽救互联网,”另一位在Facebook评论中写道。 “你刚刚为客户创造了生活。”

那么,为什么快餐连锁店决定首先做这个广告呢? Burger King的全球首席营销官Fernando Machado表示,该公司希望引起人们对废除网络中立性的潜在影响的关注。 “我们相信互联网应该像汉堡王餐厅,这个地方没有优先考虑并欢迎所有人,”他在发给今日食品的声明中说道。.

如果对于Whopper连锁店在这个问题上的位置存在任何疑问,广告甚至会结束国王从一个巨大的杯子中啜饮 – 这是一个不那么微妙的刺激FCC主席Ajit Pai,他已经知道喝酒在新闻发布会上,Reese的品牌推出了一个巨大的杯子.


嘿,我们也没有,但不知何故确实如此 – 并且让我们同时渴望汉堡.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses Burger Kings new advertisement campaign that aims to raise awareness about net neutrality. The ad shows customers ordering Whoppers and being charged different prices for different speeds of service, illustrating the potential consequences of the FCCs recent decision to repeal net neutrality regulations. The ad has received mixed reactions, with some praising Burger King for taking a political stance and others criticizing the fast-food chain for getting involved in policy debates. Overall, the ad has sparked a conversation about the importance of net neutrality and its potential impact on consumers.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses Burger Kings new advertisement campaign that aims to raise awareness about net neutrality. The ad shows customers ordering Whoppers and being charged different prices for different speeds of service, illustrating the potential consequences of the FCCs recent decision to repeal net neutrality regulations. The ad has received mixed reactions, with some praising Burger King for taking a political stance and others criticizing the fast-food chain for getting involved in policy debates. Overall, the ad has sparked a conversation about the importance of net neutrality and its potential impact on consumers.

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