无论你是否是费城老鹰队的粉丝,Dunkin’Donuts和Bud Light都会赠送免费的咖啡和啤酒来庆祝球队在超级碗LII上对新英格兰爱国者队的历史性胜利.
Bud Light的’dilly dilly’超级碗广告:TODAY(和Dylan Dreyer)分享了一下
周一,咖啡爱好者和老鹰爱好者都可以在新泽西州南部,大费城区和特拉华州的Dunkin’Donuts参与者那里获得一杯中型咖啡。要获得这笔交易,客户必须注册Dunkin的移动应用奖励计划,“DD Perks”。
如果你不喜欢咖啡,但你仍然想用免费饮料来庆祝老鹰队,那么Bud Light正在与老鹰队的球员莱恩·约翰逊达成一致。回到8月份,这位进攻前锋表示,如果他的球队赢得超级碗,他将向所有人提供免费啤酒.
Bud Light立刻回应了约翰逊的承诺,并提出向费城球迷提供免费豪饮.
在老鹰队历史性的胜利之后,这家啤酒制造商重申将继续完成交易,并发推文:“费城的@Eagles已经取得了胜利!加入我们@ LaneJohnson65和您在游行路线上的小酒馆的21位朋友,以筹集一个王国最喜欢的淡啤酒。“
本周,免费的Bud Light将在费城的游行路线上的25家酒吧和小酒馆分发.
更新: 星期一下午,费城的主要成员吉姆肯尼宣布,老鹰队的胜利游行将于2月8日星期四上午11点开始。游行路线将在宽街和帕蒂森大道开始,继续朝北,然后结束于在费城艺术博物馆,激动的球迷可以在台阶上庆祝洛基风格.
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any sports team or beverage brand. However, it is great to see Dunkin Donuts and Bud Light celebrating the historic victory of the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII by offering free coffee and beer to fans. It is also heartening to see brands like Wawa and Bud Light keeping their promises to fans by giving away free coffee and beer respectively. This shows the power of sports in bringing people together and creating a sense of community. Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles and their fans on their well-deserved victory!
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any sports team or beverage brand. However, it is great to see Dunkin Donuts and Bud Light celebrating the historic victory of the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII by offering free coffee and beer to fans. It is also heartening to see brands like Wawa and Bud Light keeping their promises to fans by giving away free coffee and beer respectively. This shows the power of sports in bringing people together and creating a sense of community. Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles and their fans on their well-deserved victory!