

在这个特别的每周特写中,“今日”食品编辑Phil Lempert为您带来美国各地着名餐厅的“偷窃”(获得许可)食谱。通过在家烹饪这些菜肴,了解您可以获得多少乐趣(以及可以省钱的钱).

本周:来自德克萨斯州沃思堡的Hui Chuan寿司,清酒和小吃的德克萨斯炸牡蛎寿司,心脏病发作卷和三文鱼火山.

右/ MSNBC /组件/图片/ 060201 / 060201_Huichuan_vmed_9a.jpg250075000right#000000http://msnbcmedia.msn.com


1Pfalsefalse关于厨师: Hui Chuan,台湾人,一直对食物充满热情。她的欣赏始于年轻时,她在学习与父亲一起做饭。川开始于20岁时居住在美国,结婚并生了三个漂亮的孩子。她喜欢为家人准备饭菜,不断尝试不同的菜单和食材。她经常与孩子们的老师分享她的创作,并举办主题晚宴。不久之后人们开始注意到了.

她很快就在法国尼斯的罗德烹饪学校开始了她的专业烹饪教育。回来后,她受到启发,并开始计划她未来的餐厅概念:亚洲融合无国界。 2001年5月,Hui Chuan Sushi,Sake和Tapas诞生。她的菜单上有亚洲菜肴以及各种具有全球风味的小吃。 Hui的口味是她旅行,体验和喜爱的成分的合作。川仅使用最新鲜,最优质的产品。庆祝简约,使用最少的酱汁,注入某些细微差别,同时展示成分的天然风味.

Chuan亲切地称她的餐厅为“树屋”,您可以在这里尽情享受美食。 “你可以把我的餐厅当作小吃或优雅的餐点。这一切都取决于你的心情。“川说。她的小而丰富的餐厅拥有温馨宜人的氛围。装饰为旧世界日式风格,设有开放式橱窗厨房。每道菜都是在您眼前创造的。 Chuan酒店的餐厅还设有传统的日式榻榻米房。慧川的产品线目前在沃斯堡中央市场推出,她是中央市场烹饪学校的常规教学讲师.

德克萨斯炸牡蛎寿司,心脏病发作卷和三文鱼火山 在Hui Chuan Sushi,Sake和Tapas供应的价格分别为4.50美元,9.95美元和7美元。所有食物均为2份.





6100 Camp Bowie

沃斯堡,TX 76116



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recipes of famous restaurants in the United States, specifically from Hui Chuan Sushi in Fort Worth, Texas. The article provides information about the chef, Hui Chuan, and her passion for cooking. It also includes details about the restaurants menu and atmosphere. The article concludes by encouraging readers to nominate their favorite restaurant dishes for the “Steal This Recipe” feature.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recipes of famous restaurants in the United States, specifically from Hui Chuan Sushi in Fort Worth, Texas. The article provides information about the chef, Hui Chuan, and her passion for cooking. It also includes details about the restaurants menu and atmosphere. The article concludes by encouraging readers to nominate their favorite restaurant dishes for the “Steal This Recipe” feature.

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