



豌豆 in Guacamole

他们简单的配方,改编自纽约着名的ABC Cocina餐厅,不仅点燃了厨师和美食博主的讨论,而且还激怒了全国各地的杓子对抗绿色蔬菜。即便是美国总统巴拉克奥巴马和总统候选人杰布布什都评论说,他们直接反对豌豆。然而,多年来,厨师,博主和美食家们一直在修补传统的玉米片.



如果您游览大多数健康食品博客,几乎总会有鳄梨酱配方,通常还包括添加非传统食材。随着它作为一种简单的浸泡而受到欢迎,并且作为一种健康零食被营养学家批准,鳄梨酱可以用于狂热的解释。您会偶尔直言不讳地了解使用哪种酸 – 一些厨师拒绝在他们的guacs中挤柠檬汁而不是柠檬汁。然而,当谈到现代鳄梨调味品配方时,替代统治。从豌豆到芒果,桃子甚至芦笋,健康食品博主都喜欢添加其他高营养的时令食材。.


鳄梨酱的起源可以追溯到阿兹特克人制作的一道菜,他们认为鳄梨是一种壮阳药,叫做ahuacati-molli,大致可以转化为鳄梨酱或混合物。这是一个成熟的鳄梨和盐的简单配方。今天传统的鳄梨酱是用molcajete(研钵和杵)制作的,包括白洋葱,serrano或墨西哥胡椒,新鲜的西红柿和盐 – 没有酸橙汁或大蒜.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “If you do a quick Google search, you can find recipes for avocado sauce, paired with everything from goat cheese and strawberries to mangoes and broccoli. However, this is a lazy British pea. When the New York Times posted a recipe for green pea guacamole on Twitter, along with a simple plea to “trust us,” they were inclined to start a debate. But did the newspaper know the level of controversy it would generate? The sacred avocado sauce! Seeing the reactions of President Obama, Jeb Bush, and others to peas in guacamole. New York Times/Twitter Their simple recipe, adapted from the famous ABC Cocina restaurant in New York, not only ignited discussions among chefs and food bloggers, but also angered spoon-wielding opponents of green vegetables across the country. Even US President Barack Obama and presidential candidate Jeb Bush commented that they were directly opposed to peas. However, over the years, chefs, bloggers, and foodies have been repairing traditional corn chips. The New York Times urges peas to have a chance to get avocado sauce. If you visit most health food blogs, there are almost always avocado sauce recipes, often including non-traditional ingredients. As it becomes popular as a simple soak and is approved by nutritionists as a healthy snack, avocado sauce can be used for fanatical explanations. You will occasionally be bluntly aware of which acid to use – some chefs refuse to squeeze lemon juice instead of lime juice in their guacs. However, when it comes to modern avocado seasoning recipes, alternatives rule. From peas to mangoes, peaches, and even asparagus, health food bloggers love to add other high-nutrient seasonal ingredients. Try these fun avocado sauces. The origin of avocado sauce can be traced back to a dish made by the Aztecs, who believed that avocado was an aphrodisiac called ahuacati-molli, which roughly translates to avocado sauce or mixture. This is a simple recipe of ripe avocado and salt. Todays traditional avocado sauce is made with a molcajete (grinding bowl and pestle), including white onions, serrano or Mexican peppers, fresh tomatoes, and salt – no lime juice or garlic. One thing this debate proves is that Americans are passionate about their avocado sauce. It may even rival our other snack obsession, chips. Speaking of chips

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “If you do a quick Google search, you can find recipes for avocado sauce, paired with everything from goat cheese and strawberries to mangoes and broccoli. However, this is a lazy British pea. When the New York Times posted a recipe for green pea guacamole on Twitter, along with a simple plea to “trust us,” they were inclined to start a debate. But did the newspaper know the level of controversy it would generate? The sacred avocado sauce! Seeing the reactions of President Obama, Jeb Bush, and others to peas in guacamole. New York Times/Twitter Their simple recipe, adapted from the famous ABC Cocina restaurant in New York, not only ignited discussions among chefs and food bloggers, but also angered spoon-wielding opponents of green vegetables across the country. Even US President Barack Obama and presidential candidate Jeb Bush commented that they were directly opposed to peas. However, over the years, chefs, bloggers, and foodies have been repairing traditional corn chips. The New York Times urges peas to have a chance to get avocado sauce. If you visit most health food blogs, there are almost always avocado sauce recipes, often including non-traditional ingredients. As it becomes popular as a simple soak and is approved by nutritionists as a healthy snack, avocado sauce can be used for fanatical explanations. You will occasionally be bluntly aware of which acid to use – some chefs refuse to squeeze lemon juice instead of lime juice in their guacs. However, when it comes to modern avocado seasoning recipes, alternatives rule. From peas to mangoes, peaches, and even asparagus, health food bloggers love to add other high-nutrient seasonal ingredients. Try these fun avocado sauces. The origin of avocado sauce can be traced back to a dish made by the Aztecs, who believed that avocado was an aphrodisiac called ahuacati-molli, which roughly translates to avocado sauce or mixture. This is a simple recipe of ripe avocado and salt. Todays traditional avocado sauce is made with a molcajete (grinding bowl and pestle), including white onions, serrano or Mexican peppers, fresh tomatoes, and salt – no lime juice or garlic. One thing this debate proves is that Americans are passionate about their avocado sauce. It may even rival our other snack obsession, chips. Speaking of chips

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