Chex出来了! 5个超级碗派对混合你必须尝试…

Chex出来了! 5个超级碗派对混合你必须尝试…

每个人都喜欢Chex谷物包装上的开箱即用食谱。但是有很多下一步的食谱值得探索 – 从简单的升级,如添加奶酪或大蒜粉,到美味的顶级混合物,味道像纸杯蛋糕。这里有五种甜味,咸味和甜味  美味 – 派对混合,让你的超级碗周日的零食情况触地得分.

巴马 ranch snack mix

帕玛森牧场小吃搭配: 这种装有爆米花,坚果和椒盐脆饼的小吃混合了这一切:它是咸的,俗气的,松脆的 – 并且需要花费你五分钟的时间来制作.

大蒜 Rosemary Bar Mix

2.大蒜迷迭香棒混合: 这种美味的混合物充满了坚果和种子,从大蒜粉和切碎的迷迭香中获得了美妙的味道. 

甜 & Salty Marshmallow Popcorn

3.甜咸的棉花糖爆米花: 这种零食组合是天才。爆米花和椒盐脆饼通过将融化的焦糖和棉花糖混合在一起而得到皇室治疗。然后 – 为了增加一点甜味和流行色 – M&M被混合在一起。粘性,甜蜜,为比赛日做好准备. 

杯形饼 Puppy Chow

4.蛋糕小狗食物: 蛋糕可能不是真正的游戏日材料 – 所有切片和服务!然而,当你采取蛋糕的一些关键元素(黄油,奶油,洒水)并将它们添加到你的Chex混合物中时,它是完全可以接受的,甚至鼓励.

感伤的 Coconut Almond Chex Mix
Nate Berrett /今天

5. Gooey椰子杏仁Chex混合物: 带上你的Chex,一些Golden Grahams,一些切碎的椰子和杏仁,并用甜釉覆盖它们。哦,是的.

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    Everyone loves the “open and eat” recipes on the Chex cereal packaging. But there are many next-level recipes worth exploring – from simple upgrades like adding cheese or garlic powder, to delicious top-tier mixes that taste like cupcakes. Here are five sweet, salty, and sweet-and-salty mixes that will score big at your Super Bowl Sunday snack situation. Todays Parmesan Ranch Snack Mix: This snack mix, filled with popcorn, nuts, and pretzels, has it all: its salty, cheesy, and crunchy – and takes just five minutes to make. Todays Garlic Rosemary Stick Mix: This delicious mix is full of nuts and seeds, getting its wonderful flavor from garlic powder and chopped rosemary. Todays Sweet and Salty Cotton Candy Popcorn: This snack combo is genius. Popcorn and pretzels get the royal treatment by mixing melted caramel and cotton candy together. Then – to add a little sweetness and pop of color – M&Ms are mixed in. Sticky, sweet, and ready for game day. Todays Cake Puppy Food: Cake may not be a true game day material – all slicing and serving! However, when you take some key elements of cake (butter, cream, sprinkles) and add them to your Chex mix, its totally acceptable, even encouraged. Nate Berrett / Todays Gooey Coconut Almond Chex Mix: Take your Chex, some Golden Grahams, some chopped coconut and almonds, and cover them with sweet glaze. Oh, yes.

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