Cap’N Crunch的真名透露出来但他真的是队长吗?

Cap’N Crunch的真名透露出来但他真的是队长吗?

直到最近,Cap’N Crunch可能被指责的唯一罪行是切断我们嘴巴的屋顶,尽管他的谷物味道甜美可口。现在,一个鹰眼谷物爱好者发现Cap’N Crunch根本不是队长,而是一名指挥官,根据他制服上的条纹.

海军上尉运动四条纹,而指挥官有三条 – 就像船长一样 – 但很多在互联网上迅速赶到谷物图标的防御,指出任何领导一艘船的人在技术上都可称为船长.

做 you really know the man behind Cap'n Crunch cereal?
你真的知道Cap’n Crunch谷物背后的男人吗??今天

这个消息引起了Twitterverse的嗡嗡声,Cap’N本人已经采取了Twitter来保护自己,坚持认为hullaballoo是“所有的传闻和误解!我和我的船员一起上尉S.S. Guppy,这让我成为了一名官方Cap’n。“

今年是Cap’N Crunch谷物50周年纪念日,谷物专家Marty Gitlin,“美国大谷物书”的合着者说,他不敢相信没有人发现过.

“很容易,Cap’N Crunch拥有历史上任何谷物角色最精致的故事情节,”Gitlin解释道.

Gitlin说,早在20世纪60年代初,Rocky和Bullwinkle(以及其他角色)的设计师Jay Ward Productions就提出了Cap’N,Quaker在1963年开发了他周围的麦片。在周六早上的卡通广告和谷物盒的背面,孩子们可以按照Cap’N的冒险故事情节,在他的S.S. Guppy上穿越牛奶海.

在他的短途旅行中,Cap’N会遇到一大堆角色,然后激发新的味道 – Chockle the Blob的Choco Crunch,Jean LaFoote a.k.a.Barefooted Pirate’s Cinnamon Crunch,Wilma the Whale’s Vanilla Crunch-所有这些都已经消失了。今天仍然存在的唯一异国风味包括花生酱(最初灵感来自斯梅德利,轮滑大象),当然还有Crunch Berry(灵感来自Crunch Berry Beast).

“当我与婴儿潮一代交谈时,更多的人告诉我,Cap’N Crunch是他们最喜欢的谷物,比其他任何人都要多,”Gitlin说。 “没有别的东西可以接近了。”

Gitlin说,Cap’N–其全名是Horatio Magellan Crunch–在大多数情况下总是一个好人,他无法想象他故意误导任何人。 “我的假设是贵格会会给他另一个条纹或重命名他的指挥官Crunch。他们应该举行仪式让他的队长变得条纹 – 并且可能在这个过程中出售大量的Cap’N Crunch麦片。“


“我们并不认为[第四条纹是必要的] – Cap’n毕竟是Cap’n,因为他是S.S. Guppy,”一位发言人告诉。 “这就是制造男人的紧缩,而不是衣服!”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Until recently, CapN Crunchs only crime may have been cutting the roof of our mouths, despite the delicious taste of his cereal. Now, an eagle-eyed cereal enthusiast has discovered that CapN Crunch is not a captain at all, but a commander, based on the stripes on his uniform. Navy captains sport four stripes, while commanders have three – just like a captain – but many have rushed to the defense of the cereal icon on the internet, pointing out that anyone who leads a ship can technically be called a captain. Do you really know the man behind Capn Crunch cereal? Today, this news has caused a buzz on Twitterverse, and CapN himself has taken to Twitter to defend himself, insisting that the hullabaloo is “all rumors and misunderstandings! I am an official Capn with my crew on the S.S. Guppy.” This year marks the 50th anniversary of CapN Crunch cereal, and cereal expert Marty Gitlin, co-author of “The Great American Cereal Book,” says he cant believe no one has noticed before. “Its easy, CapN Crunch has the most elaborate storyline of any cereal character in history,” Gitlin explains. Gitlin says that as early as the early 1960s, Jay Ward Productions, the designers of Rocky and Bullwinkle (and other characters), came up with CapN, and Quaker developed the cereal around him in 1963. In Saturday morning cartoon ads and on the back of cereal boxes, kids could follow CapNs adventure storylines as he sailed through the Milk Sea on his S.S. Guppy. On his short trips, CapN would encounter a host of characters, inspiring new flavors – Chockle the Blobs Choco Crunch, Jean LaFoote a.k.a. Barefooted Pirates Cinnamon Crunch, Wilma the Whales Vanilla Crunch – all of which have disappeared. The only exotic flavor that still exists today is Peanut Butter (originally inspired by Smedly, the roller-skating elephant), and of course, Crunch Berry (inspired by the Crunch Berry Beast). “When I talk to the baby boomer generation, more people tell me that CapN Crunch is their favorite cereal than anyone else,” Gitlin says. “Theres nothing else that comes

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