当你可以制作Bobby Flay的浓郁火鸡蘸酱时,谁需要肉汁

当你可以制作Bobby Flay的浓郁火鸡蘸酱时,谁需要肉汁

感恩节的时候谁需要叉子和刀子,你可以用手将火鸡塞进Bobby Flay的甜美,浓郁的蘸酱中?特别是如果你采取了油炸你的火鸡的勇敢的道路,你不希望用肉汁淹没鸟的脆性。相信我们.

鲍比 Flay's Turkey Dipping Sauce

Bobby Flay的土耳其蘸酱


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Using utensils like forks and knives may not be necessary during Thanksgiving when you can simply use your hands to stuff the turkey into Bobby Flays sweet and rich dipping sauce. This is especially true if you have bravely chosen to deep-fry your turkey and do not want the meat to be drowned in its own juices. Trust us, try Bobby Flays Turkish dipping sauce recipe.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Using your hands to eat turkey and dipping it into Bobby Flays delicious and rich sauce sounds like a great idea for Thanksgiving. Especially if you have bravely chosen to deep-fry your turkey, you dont want it to get soggy in its own juices. Trust us, try Bobby Flays turkey dipping sauce recipe and enjoy a finger-licking meal!

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