

极限运动对Mark Afforde产生了极大的影响.


Afforde正在华盛顿州Amboy附近的Canyon Creek大桥上进行第二次跳跃,大约在下午2:30左右。当一天变得危险。他做了20层的心脏跳动,被bungee.com描述为不是“对于那些心虚的人”,当他的蹦极绳在他达到300英尺暴跌的最低点后突然爆发.


“我听到并看到了快照,”Afforde告诉NBC。 “我当然感受到了影响,我在水下。一旦我检查并确定我仍然可以移动并且一切仍在工作,我觉得我需要离开水面。“

Afforde被带到华盛顿西南医疗中心,但抱怨只是背部疼痛。现场的EMT表示这是Afforde的幸运日 – 如果他的绳索在下降时摔得更高,摔倒可能会让他陷入困境.


图片: bungee jumping bridge

自20世纪80年代初极限运动起飞以来,数百万人从桥梁,山脉,建筑物以及在集市和节日设置的起重机上跳了起来。死亡人数很少。最引人注目的死亡是劳拉·帕特森(Laura Patterson),她正在为1997年的超级碗XXXI的半场表演练习蹦极表演。她的绳子处理不当,她头部撞到了体育场的混凝土,因头部巨大的创伤而死亡.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the impact of extreme sports on Mark Afforde, a 49-year-old man from Bellevue, Washington, who almost lost his life while bungee jumping with friends. Despite the danger, Afforde remains committed to continuing his bungee jumping adventures. The article also provides some historical context on the origins of bungee jumping and the risks associated with the sport.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the impact of extreme sports on Mark Afforde, a 49-year-old man from Bellevue, Washington, who almost lost his life while bungee jumping with friends. Despite the danger, Afforde remains committed to continuing his bungee jumping adventures. The article also provides some historical context on the origins of bungee jumping and the risks associated with the sport.

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