奥林匹克运动员Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在瘫痪后滑雪:’这对我来说就是自由’

奥林匹克运动员Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在瘫痪后滑雪:’这对我来说就是自由’

奥运游泳金牌得主Amy Van Dyken-Rouen为自己开了一个新的骑行:一个自适应滑雪,让瘫痪的运动员充电下坡.


自近乎致命的事故以来第一次观看Amy Van Dyken-Rouen滑雪


接受这项运动标志着Van Dyken-Rouen的另一个里程碑,在2014年ATV事故切断她的脊椎后,他从腰部以下瘫痪.


相关:瘫痪的奥运选手Amy Van Dyken-Rouen采取了鼓舞人心的新举措

艾米 Van Dyken-Rouen skiing
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艾米 Van Dyken-Rouen skiing
Amy Van Dyken-Rouen说她有过关于高山滑雪的梦想.今天


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Van Dyken-Rouen不仅在她自己的康复中起到了启发作用,而且还通过艾米的军队为其他人提供了灵感,这是她和她丈夫为帮助脊髓损伤患者而创立的基金会.


艾米 Van Dyken-Rouen skiing


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“对于那些想知道他们是否可以的人,不要再想知道并离开那里去做,”她说。 “最可怕的部分是进入这里并进行第一次升降。在那之后,它非常有趣。请你做,你知道吗?“

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Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在事故发生后1年仍然乐观


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Amy Van Dyken-Rouen, the Olympic swimming gold medalist, has opened a new chapter in her life by adapting to skiing, which allows paralyzed athletes to recharge downhill. This marks another milestone for Van Dyken-Rouen, who has been paralyzed from the waist down since an ATV accident in 2014. Despite her injury, she has undergone numerous surgeries and the same spirit that helped her win six Olympic gold medals in Atlanta and Sydney. She has exceeded doctors expectations, feeling knee and ankle reflexes and even walking with the help of an exoskeleton. Now, she has accepted a new challenge: downhill skiing. For her, it is freedom. Her husband, Tom Rouen, said skiing can help his wife continue to burn her competitive fire. Van Dyken-Rouen not only inspires her own recovery but also inspires others through the Amys Army Foundation, which she and her husband established to help spinal cord injury patients. She hopes to set an example that even a severed spine cannot take away the increasingly fast-paced stimulation.

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