





相关:Joan Lunden讨论了中年和中年危机的神话

当你看到实际的科学时,很明显,中年不一定是一个失落,隐形的时代 – 或者是我们已经被社会化相信的危机时期。事实上,它可能是一个成长,变化和丰富的时期。但是要完全接受所有的可能性并成功地迈向可怕的中年危机,我们必须首先遵循这5个基本策略.




成为一个更好,更精致的自己的版本永远不会太晚。你不能经常提醒自己。中年给了我们机会,甚至有责任发现我们真正的自己和我们真正想要的东西 – 找到我们生活中的真正目的.









相关:为什么如此难以成为成年人的朋友 – 以及改变这种情况的5种方法


人生就是失败了。使用遗憾对你有利 – 作为唤醒你生活中注入新意义的警钟。用它们为自己创造机会,然后充满信心地前进.




Psy.D的Robi Ludwig是www.drrobiludwig.com/book/的“你最好的时代就是现在”一书的作者

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The secret is finally out! People are beginning to realize that middle age can be the happiest time of our lives. So, what does this mean for our cultural concept? Once you reach 40, 50 and beyond, are you destined to have a “midlife crisis”?

    Midlife crisis: is it a myth? Some experts say yes. As a psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience, I have had the opportunity to delve into the reality and myth of middle age, and these findings are uplifting.

    When you look at the actual science, its clear that middle age doesnt necessarily have to be a lost, invisible time – or the crisis period weve been socialized to believe. In fact, it can be a time of growth, change, and richness. But to fully embrace all the possibilities and successfully navigate the dreaded midlife crisis, we must first follow these 5 basic strategies.

    1. Eliminate your wrong mindset about middle age and replace it with a new paradigm. There are many similarities between middle age and adolescence. Therefore, tap into your inner adolescent energy by rebelling against societys “its too late for me” attitude. Reject this old and false concept and embrace a new unprecedented possibility.

    2. Discover your true identity now and continue to change yourself. Its never too late to become a better, more refined version of yourself. You cant remind yourself often enough. Middle age gives us the opportunity, even the responsibility, to discover our true selves and what we really want – to find our true purpose in life. This is the best time to pursue your dreams, not to give up on them.

    3. Feel and embrace the “you only live once” attitude. Knowing that our brains and bodies wont fail us quickly will make us look and feel younger. Feeling younger also makes us more productive, happier, and hopeful for our future. When you adopt this youthful attitude and combine it with the “you only live once” attitude (of course, with wisdom), it will show you all your possibilities. It will help you say “yes” to life in an exciting and exhilarating way.

    4. Determine what “having it all” means to you. In middle age, we need to see that we have succeeded. Validate yourself. Dont define your success too

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The secret is finally out! People are beginning to realize that middle age can be the happiest time of our lives. So, what does this mean for our cultural concept? Once you reach 40, 50 and beyond, are you destined to have a “midlife crisis”?

    Midlife crisis: is it a myth? Some experts say yes. As a psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience, I have had the opportunity to delve into the reality and myth of middle age, and these findings are uplifting.

    When you look at the actual science, its clear that middle age doesnt necessarily have to be a lost, invisible time – or the crisis period weve been socialized to believe. In fact, it can be a time of growth, change, and richness. But to fully embrace all the possibilities and successfully navigate the dreaded midlife crisis, we must first follow these 5 basic strategies.

    1. Eliminate your wrong mindset about middle age and replace it with a new paradigm. There are many similarities between middle age and adolescence. Therefore, tap into your inner adolescent energy by rebelling against societys “its too late for me” attitude. Reject this old and false concept and embrace a new unprecedented possibility.

    2. Discover your true identity now and continue to change yourself. Its never too late to become a better, more refined version of yourself. You cant remind yourself often enough. Middle age gives us the opportunity, even the responsibility, to discover our true selves and what we really want – to find our true purpose in life. This is the best time to pursue your dreams, not to give up on them.

    3. Feel and embrace the “you only live once” attitude. Knowing that our brains and bodies wont fail us quickly will make us look and feel younger. Feeling younger also makes us more productive, happier, and hopeful for our future. When you adopt this youthful attitude and combine it with the “you only live once” attitude (of course, with wisdom), it will show you all your possibilities. It will help you say “yes” to life in an exciting and exhilarating way.

    4. Determine what “having it all” means to you. In middle age, we need to see that we have succeeded. Validate yourself. Dont define your success too

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