

还记得在阅读“Tess of the D’ubervilles”和“Moby Dick”等经典小说时,高中入学是多么容易入睡?



读 before bed is relaxing.
睡前读书很放松.Julia Luzgareva / Shutterstock

不完全是,密歇根大学医学院行为睡眠医学项目主任J. Todd Arnedt说.

“这不是读取会触发大脑中的某些东西,”Arnedt说。 “只是[阅读]是一种安静,久坐不动的情况,现有的困倦……会发挥作用。”



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这本书的作者Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin说,这部分属实。他告诉今天他以一种特别鼓励孩子入睡的方式写这本书.


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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal experience of reading classic novels such as “Tess of the Dubervilles” and “Moby Dick” during high school, but I can understand how some people may find them boring and struggle to stay awake while reading them. According to J. Todd Arnedt, the director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan Medical School, reading itself does not trigger anything in the brain that makes us sleepy, but the quiet and sedentary nature of reading can contribute to existing fatigue. However, if someone wants to read a book to help them fall asleep, they should choose something boring, as it creates the perfect conditions for drowsiness. Of course, what makes a book boring is subjective and varies from person to person. Some people find modern novels more entertaining, while others may find them tedious. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal taste.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal experience of reading classic novels such as “Tess of the Dubervilles” and “Moby Dick” during high school, but I can understand how some people may find them boring and struggle to stay awake while reading them. According to J. Todd Arnedt, the director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan Medical School, reading itself does not trigger anything in the brain that makes us sleepy, but the quiet and sedentary nature of reading can contribute to existing fatigue. However, if someone wants to read a book to help them fall asleep, they should choose something boring, as it creates the perfect conditions for drowsiness. It is a matter of taste, and what one person finds boring, another may find engaging. Some classic authors, such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, and Fyodor Dostoevsky, are often cited as inducing sleepiness, but it ultimately depends on the readers preferences. Goodreads has a list of the most boring books, but it is subjective. In any case, reading before bed can be a relaxing activity that helps us unwind and prepare for sleep.

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