花粉涡过敏痛苦?尝试婴儿洗发水 - 以及其他生存技巧 2023

花粉涡过敏痛苦?尝试婴儿洗发水 – 以及其他生存技巧

春天在空中 – 字面上。 “花粉漩涡”正在折磨我们中的许多人 – 更多的嗅闻,打喷嚏和瘙痒的痛苦正在酝酿之中.


Clifford Bassett博士,纽约过敏症和哮喘护理的过敏症和医学主任,提供有关如何区分过敏和感冒,预防和控制症状以及何时应该寻求医生治疗的提示.



  • 您有过敏家族史(无论是季节性还是全年,食物或皮肤,或哮喘)
  • 你的症状持续两周以上
  • 在高花粉期间你会感觉更糟
  • 你会在眼睛,鼻子和喉咙中感受到令人讨厌的瘙痒


  • 症状突然出现,与过敏季节没有明确的联系
  • 鼻粘液增厚,颜色变化,可能意味着感染
  • 您有头痛,喉咙痛或咳嗽,感到疲劳和食欲不振

你每年最多可以感染七次 – 家族史在这里没有帮助.


尽早开始治疗过敏症. 如果您在出现症状之前就开始服用,许多药物效果会更好.

尝试以辣椒/辣椒为基础的天然喷鼻剂. 这可以为麻烦的过敏症状提供一些短期缓解.

练习良好的眼睑卫生. 用温和无泪的婴儿洗发水轻轻冲洗眼睑(闭眼),以去除过敏原和污染物。您的医生也可能会推荐抗过敏或保湿眼药水.

在高花粉日内在室内锻炼. 花粉水平通常在清晨和温暖,干燥和刮风的日子里最高.

戴上色调和帽子. 这将有助于阻止空气中的花粉和霉菌,并防止眼睛发红。另外,避免使用发胶,因为它们可以充当花粉磁铁.

每晚淋浴. 在一天中冲洗收集在皮肤和头发上的花粉,并在进入卧室之前更换衣服。另外,不要在外面穿干衣服.

考虑过敏镜头. 它们是我们唯一能够减少和减缓“过敏性疾病”进展的免疫疗法。它们为85%以上的患者提供长期缓解.

花园仔细. 避免过敏的植物,如向日葵,婴儿的呼吸,栀子花,茉莉,薰衣草,丁香和绣球花。尝试代替剑兰,鸢尾,兰花,牡丹,小苍兰,玫瑰,郁金香和紫罗兰.


  • 您的过敏症状持续存在,并且不会对非处方药有所反应
  • 您患有哮喘,这通常是由过敏引起的(哮喘专家可以帮助您学习如何避免在家,工作和户外触发)
  • 您有鼻窦炎病史和频繁需要抗生素

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Spring is in the air – literally. The “pollen vortex” is tormenting many of us with more sniffling, sneezing, and itching pain on the horizon. This years allergy season is expected to occur 14 days earlier and last up to 30 days. It is widespread throughout the United States, affecting an estimated 12-14% of the population with nasal allergies. Dr. Clifford Bassett, Director of Allergy and Asthma Care in New York, offers tips on how to distinguish between allergies and colds, prevent and control symptoms, and when to seek medical treatment. First, how do you know if you have allergies or a cold? Its an allergy if: you have a family history of allergies (seasonal or year-round, food or skin, or asthma), your symptoms last for more than two weeks, you feel worse during high pollen season, and you experience annoying itching in your eyes, nose, and throat. A cold is like this: symptoms appear suddenly, with no clear connection to allergy season, nasal mucus thickens and changes color, which may indicate infection, you have headaches, sore throat, or cough, feel tired and lose your appetite, and you can get infected up to seven times a year – family history doesnt help here. If its an allergy, these survival tips may relieve symptoms: start treating allergies early. Many medications work better if you start taking them before symptoms appear. Try natural pepper-based nasal sprays. This can provide short-term relief for troublesome allergy symptoms. Practice good eyelid hygiene. Rinse your eyelids gently with mild, tear-free baby shampoo (with your eyes closed) to remove allergens and pollutants. Your doctor may also recommend anti-allergy or moisturizing eye drops. Exercise indoors on high pollen days. Pollen levels are usually highest in the morning and on warm, dry, and windy days. Wear shades and a hat. This will help block pollen and mold in the air and prevent red eyes. Also, avoid using hair gel as they can act as pollen magnets. Shower every night. Rinse off pollen collected on your skin and hair during the day and change clothes before entering the bedroom. Also, dont wear dry clothes outside. Consider allergy shots. They are the only immune therapy that can reduce and slow

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