



旧 Town pier in Helsinki, Finland
芬兰赫尔辛基风景射击。在联合国的一份新报告中,芬兰被评为2023年最幸福的国家.Getty Images股票



芬兰是一个相对同质的国家 – 其550万居民中只有大约30万是外国人或有外国根源。其最大的移民群体来自其他欧洲国家,但也有来自阿富汗,中国,伊拉克和索马里的社区.





“报告中最引人注目的发现是移民的幸福与当地出生的幸福之间的显着一致性,”Helliwell说。 “那些搬到更幸福的国家的人获益,而那些搬到不那么幸福的国家的人则会失败。”



该报告还引用了美国的’ “社会政治制度”产生的收入不平等程度高于幸福国家,这是造成不幸的主要因素.

幸福的秘诀是什么?作者Dan Buettner揭示了答案


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, based on the given text, it is clear that Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for 2018, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Networks World Happiness Report. The report takes into account factors such as life expectancy, social support, and corruption to rank 156 countries by their happiness levels. Finland is known for its high-quality of life, skiing, and saunas. The report also evaluated the happiness and well-being of immigrants in 117 countries, with Finland being a relatively homogeneous country with only about 300,000 foreigners out of its 5.5 million population. Other countries in the top ten include Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, and Australia. The report also highlights the correlation between the happiness of immigrants and the happiness of locals in a country. The United States, which was ranked 14th in 2016, has dropped to 18th place due to public health crises such as obesity, opioid addiction, and major depression, as well as income inequality caused by its social and political system.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, based on the given text, it is clear that Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for 2018, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Networks World Happiness Report. The report takes into account factors such as life expectancy, social support, and corruption to rank 156 countries by their happiness levels. Finland is known for its high-quality of life, skiing, and saunas. The report also evaluated the happiness and well-being of immigrants in 117 countries, with Finland being a relatively homogeneous country with only about 300,000 foreigners out of its 5.5 million population. Other countries in the top ten include Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, and Australia. The report also highlights the correlation between the happiness of immigrants and the happiness of locals in a country. The United States, which was ranked 14th in 2017, dropped to 18th place due to public health crises such as obesity, opioid addiction, and major depression, as well as income inequality caused by its social and political system.

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