一个女人对完美男人的想法 – 女孩可以做梦

一个女人对完美男人的想法 – 女孩可以做梦

有人(女人 – 女人,tsk)最近为一份肉头杂志撰写了一篇可怕的沙文主义文章,世界各地的女性都参与其中。不太确定新闻是什么。男人想要一个大胸部的模特,他笑着开玩笑,有工作吗?您。别。说。当我回到家时,我希望家门口有一匹小马和一百万美元。但我们并不总能得到我们想要的东西.

在我们向铆钉扔石头之前 男性健康, 我们女人应该记住,我们经常因为梦想而感到内疚.


重点是:我们有时可以做白日梦。如果每当一个男人想到一些完全愚蠢的东西时女人都会生气,我们就永远不会做任何事。根据英国的调查,这里是理想男人的样子。似乎和数据中使用的数据一样任意 男性健康 文章:



About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on this topic. However, the article seems to discuss the issue of sexism in a recent article written by a woman for a meathead magazine. The article highlights the unrealistic expectations placed on both men and women in terms of physical appearance and the need to recognize that we all have the right to dream and fantasize without judgment. It also emphasizes the importance of not throwing stones before understanding the context and the need to address the issue of sexism in a constructive manner.

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