

膳食胆固醇是美国板块上受到最密切监控和调节的成分之一,因为它与心脏病相关,正在卷土重来。当联邦政府每天更新我们应该吃什么以保持健康的指导方针时 – 如果它需要饮食指南咨询委员会的建议 – 胆固醇将不再被列为“关注的营养素”。






鸡 eggs and yolk isolated on white background
Igor Dutina / FeaturePics.com





这些建议 – 如果被接受 – 将不会很快成为政策.


Madelyn Fernstrom是NBC News和TODAY的健康和营养编辑

本文最初发布于2015年2月10日晚上10:20。 ET.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Dietary cholesterol is one of the most closely monitored and regulated components on the American plate because of its association with heart disease, which is making a comeback. When the federal government updates its guidelines on what we should eat to stay healthy every day – if it needs advice from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee – cholesterol will no longer be listed as a “nutrient of concern.” The advice to avoid cholesterol may change. This means that adults will no longer be advised to limit cholesterol in their diet to 300 milligrams per day, as it is not related to an increased risk of heart disease. It is expected that the federal governments new guidelines in the coming weeks will not mean that we can eat unlimited amounts of liver, shrimp, or other cholesterol-rich foods. Moderation is still encouraged, but it does mean that you can enjoy whole eggs in your omelet, not just egg whites. The advice on dietary cholesterol is one of the most anticipated and surprising changes in the US dietary guidelines. Every five years, the federal government makes a huge effort to update its recommendations on nutrition and healthy eating. This is a turning point in cholesterol advice, but after reviewing new scientific papers, the main advisory group of the US government, the DGAC committee, found no health reasons to limit or restrict the intake of 300 milligrams per day for most people (one large egg contains about 200 milligrams, all in the yolk). Can you eat eggs every day? What does this mean for your daily diet? Not yet. First, based on self-reported information, the scientific group found that the average daily consumption of Americans is only about 160-250 milligrams. And population data does not always translate into individuals, so consult your doctor before making any dietary changes. Although overall data suggests that we dont need to worry about too much cholesterol, some people experience health benefits by monitoring and limiting their daily intake. These recommendations – if accepted – will not become policy soon. When the final guidance from the DGAC is released, there will be a 45-day comment period for anyone in the country to “weigh in.” After that, the federal government will take the final report and determine the 2015 guidelines, which will be released at some point in the second half of the year. Madelyn Fernstrom is the health and nutrition

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