

根据周二公布的英国验尸官报告,歌手乔治迈克尔死于与心脏病和脂肪肝有关的自然原因。虽然大多数人都了解心血管疾病的原因,但很少有人知道脂肪肝及其如何导致不良健康结果,或者 – 在最严重的阶段 – 死亡.


乔治 Michael
关于乔治迈克尔死亡的报道并未直接表明他的健康状况最终因药物过量和酒精而恶化。但这些毒素可能对人体的主要排毒器官 – 肝脏具有破坏性. 阿拉米股票



但酒精不是唯一的因素 – 有更常见的习惯可能会导致同样的疾病.









  • 减少你的总糖摄入量,从糖果等常见来源到饼干或沙拉酱等不太常见的食物.
  • 增加颜色.
  • 多吃绿色,红色,橙色和紫色色调的植物.
  • 增加从野生鱼,嘉和亚麻籽以及核桃中摄取的ω-3脂肪酸.
  • 少喝酒.
  • 最后,开始移动。从沙发上下来,每天瞄准10,000步.


Kristin Kirkpatrick,MS,R.D。,俄亥俄州克利夫兰克利夫兰诊所健康研究所的健康营养服务经理,是“瘦肝”的作者. 在推特上关注她@KristinKirkpat

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    According to the coroners report released on Tuesday in the UK, singer George Michael died of natural causes related to heart disease and fatty liver. While most people are aware of the causes of cardiovascular disease, few know about fatty liver and how it can lead to adverse health outcomes or, in the most severe stages, death. Reports on Michaels death did not directly indicate that his health deteriorated due to drug overdose and alcohol. However, it is important to recognize that these toxins may have a damaging effect on the liver, which is the bodys main detoxifying organ.

    What is fatty liver? With the proliferation of alcohol, the liver begins to form abnormal fat deposits. This leads to inflammation and scarring; eventually, healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue. At that point, your liver stops working, and you find yourself on the transplant list. But alcohol is not the only factor – there are more common habits that can lead to the same disease. Another type of liver disease is emerging, called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. This is caused by being overweight or obese, consuming too much sugar and processed carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle, and components associated with metabolic syndrome. It quickly became the number one disease on the liver transplant list. This fatty liver disease affects 33% of the US population, including 6 million children. In fact, it is the number one liver disease in children. NAFLD is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and recent evidence suggests that many patients with cardiovascular disease are more likely to die of heart failure before developing liver disease.

    The scariest part: if you have it, you may not know it. NAFLD does not produce symptoms of cardiovascular disease. There is no chest pain to let you know your organs are in trouble. However, the good news is that diagnosis is not difficult and may be reversible.

    What can you do today to start a liver-friendly lifestyle? Reduce your total sugar intake, from common sources like candy to less common foods like cookies or salad dressings. Increase color. Eat more green, red, orange, and purple-toned plants. Increase omega-3 fatty acids from wild fish, chia seeds, and walnuts. Drink less alcohol. Finally, start moving. Get off the couch and

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