





“我绝对认为我们会看到更多,”费城手中心的医生Meredith Osterman博士告诉今天.


一个 woman texting on her touchscreen phone

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的数据显示,近三分之二(即64%)的美国成年人拥有智能手机,比四年前增加了35%。它发现年轻人是最狂热的短信,有时每天交换超过100条信息.



太多的打字可能会过度使用拇指的肌腱,导致肌腱炎或炎症,这可能导致该区域的疼痛,痉挛和悸动。奥斯特曼指出,如果你停止活动,疼痛通常就会消失。她将其与“妈咪拇指”或De Quervain病进行比较,当他们开始频繁抬起婴儿时,有时会影响新妈妈.

华盛顿大学医学院的物理治疗师和副教授Lynnette Khoo-Summers说,另一个后果可能是拇指骨关节炎。她补充说,任何重复性过度使用伤害的治疗方法都是休息和冰敷.

一个 woman texting on her touchscreen phone


  • 停止使事情恶化的活动 – 暂时远离您的设备或经常休息。 “把手机放下来是可以的。我们不应该成为机器的奴隶,“奥斯特曼说.
  • 使用手机上的语音转文字功能,让您的手指在打字时休息一下.
  • 尝试用手写笔打字以减少拇指的重复动作.
  • 转手,这样一只手就没有完成所有的工作.
  • 将手机放在桌子上并从那里打字。奥斯特曼说:“最糟糕的位置是你用一只手握住它 – 用手掌握它 – 然后用拇指做任何事情。” “电话处于休息状态的任何位置……都会减少刺激性。”
  • 尽量不要将相同的肌肉用于其他活动。例如,发短信然后玩视频游戏可能不是一个好主意,Khoo-Summers说.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Poor Thumb. Nature designed it for grasping, gripping, pinching, and holding; now we command it to text, type, browse, and swipe. Hand injuries caused by the use of smartphones are increasing. The use of smartphones usually solves hand pain for those who ultimately grip and peck at small screens for hours, increasing complaints to hand experts offices. “I absolutely think well see more,” Dr. Meredith Osterman, a Philadelphia hand center doctor, told today. “In this day and age, people are almost addicted to their smartphones, and without them, they feel completely exposed. Especially, the thumb is most commonly affected.” Texting and other smartphone activities can stress tendons in your hand. Pew Research Center data shows that nearly two-thirds (64%) of American adults have smartphones, up 35% from four years ago. It found that young people are the most enthusiastic texters, sometimes exchanging more than 100 messages a day. Osterman said the thumb is the preferred digit for many people to move and type, even though it is less flexible than other fingers. The base of the thumb is greatly restricted and easily affected by the overall position of the hand, so if you twist your wrist in an interesting way to grip the phone, your thumb will also be affected by this awkward movement, she added. Too much typing can overuse the tendons in the thumb, leading to tendinitis or inflammation, which can cause pain, spasms, and twitching in the area. Osterman noted that if you stop the activity, the pain usually goes away. She compared it to “mommy thumb” or De Quervains disease, which can affect new mothers when they start lifting babies frequently. Lynnette Khoo-Summers, a physical therapist and associate professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said another consequence could be thumb arthritis. She added that any treatment for repetitive overuse injuries is rest and ice. The thumb is less dexterous than other fingers, but it is often our preferred digit for texting. Here are some tips to prevent problems: Stop activities that make things worse – temporarily stay away from your device or take frequent breaks. “Its okay to put the phone down. We shouldnt be slaves to the machine,” Osterman said. Use the

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