


来自佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁的16岁的Caleb Farrell告诉TODAY.com健康状况“感觉非常好”,并表示他周日在比赛中度过了一段美好的时光 – 特别是因为他的球队杰克逊维尔美洲虎队击败了他们迈阿密海豚队.


迦勒 Farrell (third from left) with his brother and parents
Caleb Farrell(左三)与他的兄弟和父母一起参加9月20日星期日的美洲虎 – 海豚比赛.Tom Coughlin Jay基金会

“这是上一场比赛的下一场比赛,我们在这里举办了一场派对,”Patricia Farrell告诉TODAY.com十月份,当时她意识到她的儿子出了问题。.


相关:观看7岁的癌症患者与Rachel Platten一起唱“Fight Song”

迦勒的父母带他去看医生,在那里他最初被诊断出患有链球菌感染并送回家。但当他的症状恶化时 – “他在周四晚上通过下周六呕吐,”帕特里夏说 – 他们回到了医院.


孩子 cancer patients and their families were honored at the Jaguars-Dolphins game on Sunday, September 20 in Jacksonville, Florida.
儿童癌症患者及其家属于9月20日星期日在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔举行的美洲虎 – 海豚比赛中获得表彰.

“他有一个5.7厘米的巨大肿瘤,压在他的大脑上,切断了脊柱的循环,”法瑞尔太太说。 “他15岁。”



“我们不能失去工作,”帕特里夏说。 “医院警告我们:不要失去你的健康保险。”

由于家人努力支付账单,同时也住在医院的Caleb一边,他们联系了Tom Coughlin Jay基金会,这是一个由前美洲虎和现任纽约巨人队教练Tom Coughlin创立的癌症基金会。.


法雷尔夫人说,该集团介入支付家庭的汽车和抵押贷款 – 这是一项“天文救济”.


“他永远不会再踢足球,这是一种失望,但最重要的祝福是他仍然和我们在一起,”帕特里夏说。 “我们很感激。”

为纪念儿童癌症宣传月,Tom Coughlin Jay基金会向美洲虎 – 海豚队游戏派遣约35名儿童癌症患者及其家人,包括Farrells.


About the author


  1. It is heartwarming to hear about Caleb Farrell, a 16-year-old teenager from Florida who celebrated his new cancer-free status during an NFL game after being diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor a year ago. Along with other young patients, he was honored during the game. Calebs mother revealed that he used to play football for St. Augustine High School before his diagnosis. The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation helped Calebs family pay their bills while he was undergoing treatment. After months of proton therapy, Caleb received the good news that his cancer had disappeared. It is a blessing that he is still with his family, and they are grateful for it. The foundation sent around 35 children with cancer and their families, including the Farrells, to the Jaguars-Dolphins game to celebrate Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. They had a tailgate party and were honored during a pre-game ceremony. It is inspiring to see how the community comes together to support those who are fighting cancer.

  2. It is heartwarming to hear about Caleb Farrell, a 16-year-old teenager from Florida who celebrated his new cancer-free status during an NFL game after being diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor a year ago. Along with other young patients, he was honored during the game. Calebs mother revealed that he used to play football for St. Augustine High School before his diagnosis. The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation helped Calebs family pay their bills while he was undergoing treatment. After months of proton therapy, Caleb received the good news that his cancer had disappeared. It is a blessing that he is still with his family, and they are grateful for it. The foundation sent around 35 children with cancer and their families, including the Farrells, to the Jaguars-Dolphins game to celebrate Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. They had a tailgate party and were honored during a pre-game ceremony. It is inspiring to see how the community comes together to support those who are fighting cancer.

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