Charla Nash寻求灵长类安全法案:我不希望它再次发生

Charla Nash寻求灵长类安全法案:我不希望它再次发生


纳什在2009年的黑猩猩袭击中失去了鼻子,眼睛和嘴唇,他意识到没有立法可以完全阻止异国情调的动物贸易。她在接受TODAY.com采访时说:“我希望它能减缓他们从一个国家到另一个国家的运送速度。” “可悲的是,很多这些人都有钱,可以买得起异国情调的宠物,并且[在宠物长得太大之后]将它们变成野外。然后有人会受伤。我不希望发生在我身上的事情发生在其他任何人身上。“



Charla Nash在被朋友的黑猩猩袭击后严重残疾。在面部移植后,看看她以前的样子,以及她现在的样子.


“我最后一次与今天的节目谈话时,我认为我很坚强,”她说。 “但是一旦我开始对设备进行更多的训练,我就意识到自己有多么软弱。我有好日子和坏日子。但我感觉更强壮,更精力充沛。“


“我需要有人帮我洗澡,清洁眼睛,刷牙,喂我,”她说。 “有很多我不能做的事情。当你外出时,你会看到更多你不能做的事情。“


她还将与国会议员会面,希望她的故事可以使他们相信新立法的必要性。 “我希望我的故事会产生影响,”她说.


2012年,纳什从黑猩猩老板Sandra Herold的庄园获得了400万美元。今年早些时候,康涅狄格州大会否认纳什有能力在法庭上起诉该州,以支付额外的医疗费用. 

至于未来,纳什不确定会带来什么。 “我只是日复一日地接受它,”她说。 “我希望所有人都能保持良好状态。我不能工作,所以我住在马萨诸塞州的医疗补助计划。“


“我希望总有一天我可以去沃尔特里德遇见那里受伤的战士,服务中的男女,”她说。 “也许我可以向他们展示我是如何做到的。”



About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Charla Nash is a woman from Connecticut who underwent a face transplant surgery in 2011 after being attacked by a friends pet chimpanzee. She traveled to Washington D.C. to advocate for legislation that would make it harder for people to keep primates as pets. Nash lost her nose, eyes, and lips in the 2009 chimpanzee attack and realized that there was no legislation that could completely prevent the exotic animal trade. She said in an interview with, “I hope it slows them down from one country to another.” Nash plans to attend a press conference with representatives from the Humane Society of the United States to urge Congress to support the “Captive Primate Safety Act.” The current legislation prohibits the transport of animals such as lions and tigers across state lines for use as pets. The new law would include non-human primates on the list. Nash hopes that her story will make lawmakers believe in the necessity of the new legislation.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Charla Nash is a woman from Connecticut who underwent a face transplant surgery in 2011 after being attacked by a friends pet chimpanzee. She traveled to Washington D.C. to advocate for legislation that would make it harder for people to keep primates as pets. Nash lost her nose, eyes, and lips in the 2009 chimpanzee attack and realized that there was no legislation that could completely prevent the exotic animal trade. She said in an interview with, “I hope it slows them down from one country to another.” Nash plans to attend a press conference with representatives from the Humane Society of the United States to urge Congress to support the “Captive Primate Safety Act.” The current legislation prohibits the transport of animals such as lions and tigers across state lines for use as pets. The new regulation would add non-human primates to the list. Nash hopes that her story will make lawmakers believe in the necessity of the new legislation.

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