


这款诺基亚Body Cardio智能秤为您完成所有计算,现在可享受40%的折扣.

Body Cardio Smart Scale,售价90美元(通常为150美元),诺基亚



$ 90诺基亚


另一方面,这种规模可以连接到诺基亚的Health Mate应用程序,您的手机或智能手表,可以提供有关您的身体成分,心率等的详细统计数据。.


聪明 Scale App
所有统计数据都在应用程序的一个位置. 诺基亚



Body Cardio Smart Scale,90美元,诺基亚


$ 90诺基亚

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for you:

    Having a healthy body is not just about the numbers on the scale. How much of that weight is muscle? How much of it is water? How much of it is just hindering your skeleton? The Nokia Body Cardio smart scale does all the calculations for you, and now you can enjoy a 40% discount. The Body Cardio Smart Scale is priced at $90 (usually $150), and Nokias editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we truly love, hoping you will too! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So while each product is independently chosen, if you buy a product through our link, we may earn a small portion of revenue.

    Last year, I bought a basic scale to help with my weight loss goals. It didnt do much. On the other hand, this scale can connect to Nokias Health Mate app on your phone or smartwatch, providing detailed statistics on your body composition, heart rate, and more. Using the app, you can also input information about your sleep habits, diet, and even track pregnancy progress. You can also set goals, and the app will provide tips and encouragement for your weight loss journey. All statistics are in one place in the app.

    Nokia has given me insights into my own health at a very expensive gym. Even so, I was only allowed to use the body composition machine once, so I really couldnt track my progress. Considering that this scale is cheaper than my old gym membership for a month, I might buy this smart scale to get some motivation and extra insight into my health this fall. Body Cardio Smart Scale, $90, Nokia.

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