




杨百翰大学经济学家埃里克·艾德和马克·肖纳尔特 – 他们也是父亲 – 使用全国代表性的1,724名学生样本,将儿童和青少年的标准化考试成绩与他们报告的睡眠数量进行比较.

对于年龄较大的青少年来说,每晚七个小时就足够了。 12岁儿童的最佳睡眠时间较高,约为8小时,而10岁儿童最佳睡眠时间约为9小时。该报告发表在最新一期的“东方经济学期刊”上.

“如果你的孩子没有得到9个小时的睡眠,也许你不必担心这么多,”Showalter说,除非他们经常得到明显减少。 “当然,有充分的科学证据证明极度睡眠剥夺或睡过头有严重的健康后果,”他说.










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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    If your childs lack of sleep keeps you up at night, a new study should help put your mind at ease. National guidelines recommend that young people get at least eight hours of sleep per night. But experts say that this is an unrealistic goal for teenagers, who are burdened with heavy homework, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs. Or who feel the need to stay up late texting or updating Facebook. In fact, if standardized test performance is any indication, 16-year-olds score highest with about seven hours of sleep per night, according to a surprising new study. Brigham Young University economists Eric Eide and Mark Showalter – who are also fathers – compared standardized test scores of children and adolescents with the amount of sleep they reported, using a nationally representative sample of 1,724 students. For older teenagers, seven hours of sleep per night is enough. The optimal sleep time for 12-year-olds is higher, at about eight hours, while 10-year-olds need about nine hours of sleep. The report was published in the latest issue of the “Eastern Economic Journal.” “If your child is not getting nine hours of sleep, you may not need to worry so much,” Showalter said, unless they regularly get significantly less. “Of course, there is ample scientific evidence that extreme sleep deprivation or oversleeping has serious health consequences,” he said. Showalter believes that current recommendations are based on surveys of teenagers in the 1970s. Teenagers were brought into the lab for a few days each year and told to sleep as much as they wanted. Either side of the teenager knows that how much they want to sleep may be more than how much they need to sleep. “We cant find too much scientific experience to support common recommendations,” Showalter said in response to a paper published last week in the journal Pediatrics. The Australian researchers report concluded: “No matter how much children sleep, people always think they need more.” Those studies suggest that students are more alert in early morning classes and have later start times? Showalter said this may be related to teenagers going to bed and waking up early, rather than the total time spent in bed. How much does your child sleep per night? Tell us on Facebook. Related stories: Childrens lack of sleep (neither do their grandparents)

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