

Whole Foods Market适用于许多食物 – 有机农产品,精油和健康午餐。但对于一对爱好食物的夫妇来说,这个庞大的有机杂货店也是完美的婚礼场地.

教堂 Hill Whole Foods hosts dream wedding.
Chapel Hill Whole Foods举办梦幻婚礼.数字星火婚礼

Ross和Jacqueline Aronson(前身为特劳特曼)建立了他们的关系,当他们在纽约市生活 – 并坠入爱河 – 时,他们往返于他们的Whole Foods商店。这对夫妇告诉TODAY Food,他们经常在市场上闲逛,仔细阅读罗斯喜欢烹饪的美食食品 – 他们也喜欢免费提供样品,或两个.



亚马逊是否按照承诺降低了Whole Foods的价格?





该 Aronsons get a taste of how sweet married life can be.

“我们喜欢在我们经常去的地方发生重要生活里程碑的想法,”杰奎琳告诉TODAY Food。 “我们知道我们会一次又一次地回来,无论何时将我们带到那里,它别无选择,只能变得特别。这将永远让我们想起一个令人难以置信的日子和重要的时刻,当我们终生相互承诺。“

Aronsons招募了Krista Deitsch的帮助,他是帮助Ross在2023年执行他的提案计划的Whole Foods员工.Deitsch获得了网站许可,并于2月24日从Whole Foods的营销部门带来了Whitney Harlos的婚礼,并且正如Jacqueline所说的那样它帮助“将一切都变为现实”。他们甚至在整个商店里制作了超过77种食品/关系双关语的标志,其中负责市场营销的杰奎琳已经想到了。其中包括:“乳制品婚礼”,“哈密瓜”,“肋眼做”,“加入圣鲭鱼”。

根据Chapel Hill Whole Foods经理Gonzalo Munoz的说法,Aronson-Troutman的婚礼是商店的第一次婚礼。.

“这只是刚发生的疯狂事情之一,”穆诺兹告诉今日美食。 “我们只是跟它跑了。”





一对 marries in Whole Foods, North Carolina.
夫妇在Whole Foods,北卡罗来纳结婚.数字星火婚礼

仪式结束后,这对夫妇和他们的客人聚集在Whole Foods咖啡厅区举行招待会。那天晚些时候,家人聚集在Aronson的家中,享用一顿亲密的晚餐。他们喜欢用红酒炖羊肉和梅子酱以及甜菜鲑鱼等菜肴。除了商店制作的蛋糕和香槟外,罗斯自己做了所有的餐饮,并采购了他的食材……你猜对了,Whole Foods!

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it seems to be written in English. The article talks about how Whole Foods Market is not only a great place for organic produce, essential oils, and healthy lunches, but also a perfect wedding venue for a food-loving couple. The article tells the story of Ross and Jacqueline Aronson, who got engaged at a Whole Foods store and later got married at the Chapel Hill Whole Foods. The article also discusses whether Amazon has kept its promise to lower Whole Foods prices. Overall, the article is an interesting read for anyone who loves Whole Foods or is planning a unique wedding.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it seems to be written in English. The article talks about how Whole Foods Market is not only a great place for organic produce, essential oils, and healthy lunches but also a perfect wedding venue for a food-loving couple. The article highlights the story of Ross and Jacqueline Aronson who got married at the Chapel Hill Whole Foods and how they planned their dream wedding at the store. The article also discusses whether Amazon has lowered Whole Foods prices as promised. Overall, its an interesting and unique story that showcases the couples love for each other and their love for Whole Foods.

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