


YouTube明星,丹麦音乐家和自称“辣椒爱好者”的Chili Klaus围着互联网挑战各种各样的人,为他的频道吃超辣辣椒。他的最后一段视频,其特色是丹麦国家室内乐团在吃完辣椒后拼命想要流泪,获得了400多万次观看.

这一次,他的目标是丹麦的海宁男孩合唱团。在唱着“O Come All Ye Ye Fafulful”的过程中,他们在每个流行音乐中停下一只鬼胡椒 – 世界上最辣的辣椒之一 – 在他们的嘴里。 (我们无法相信他们实际上都同意这样做。)他们试图像往常一样继续这样做.




当然,吃辣椒不是开玩笑。今天秋天,当她被挑战尝试“世界上最热门的筹码”时,即使是今天自己的Sheinelle Jones也无法承受热度,而Jimmy Fallon真的用辣酱烧了他的脸!幽灵胡椒在高达100万斯科维尔的热量单位中测量,因此它比胡椒粉胡椒热100多倍.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Okay, eating the worlds spiciest chili is a truly entertaining way to add some fun to some regular choir music. YouTube star, Danish musician, and self-proclaimed “chili enthusiast” Chili Klaus challenges all sorts of people around the internet to eat super spicy chilies for his channel. His latest video, featuring the Danish National Chamber Orchestra desperately trying not to cry after eating chilies, has garnered over 4 million views. This time, his target is the Haining Boys Choir in Denmark. While singing “O Come All Ye Faithful,” they stop at every popular music to put a ghost pepper – one of the worlds spiciest chilies – in their mouths. (We cant believe they actually agreed to do this.) They try to continue as usual. But it wont last long. Soon, boys turn red, tears stream down their faces, and some just try to laugh instead of crying. But surprisingly, a few brave souls manage to keep a cool expression as they keep singing, as if nothing happened. Give these boys a special operation because they clearly need it! So far, this video has surpassed 1 million views, and many people on social media are considering it, with reactions ranging from mild horror to complete fun: Need a good afternoon laugh? Watch the Haining Boys Choir try to sing a holiday classic after eating a ghost pepper. https://t.co/P5RIVvmj32 – Corey Kinder (@ CKin3) December 20, 2017 This boys choir sings like angels. Then they ate a ghost pepper – and sang again. https://t.co/OZyFOPyBFT – Erin Canty (@yeswecanty) December 19, 2017 Of course, eating chili is no joke. Even todays own Sheinelle Jones couldnt stand the heat when she was challenged to try the “worlds hottest chip” this fall, and Jimmy Fallon really burned his face with hot sauce! Ghost peppers are measured in Scoville units up to 1 million, so they are more than 100 times hotter than pepper flakes. It can be said that these boys have earned our respect. As one YouTube commenter said about our other pranks/bullying/entertainment, “Strong children, worse college.”

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