


“坏妈妈”这位明星最近在她即将上映的Netflix喜剧片“Like Father”中向今天发表了讲话,目前正在牙买加拍摄。她回到家时,她将在她的亚马逊购物车上添加的第一批食物之一?


图片: People's Choice Awards 2023 - Red Carpet

“我的第一个,优雅的订单将像一个长棍面包,一些burrata和一些罗勒,”这位37岁的年轻人说道,她在“Veronica Mars”中脱颖而出,成为家喻户晓的名字。

Bell,11岁以上的素食主义者,以及她的丈夫,演员Dax Shepard,在观看了“Forks Over Knives”后,于2012年成为素食主义者。这部纪录片受到素食主义者艾丽西亚·西尔弗斯通和歌手阿丽亚娜·格兰德的称赞,他称之为“我见过的最令人瞩目的电影之一”。

但贝尔说,饮食对她来说是不可持续的。 “在我第一次怀孕期间,我正在工作,感觉我需要更多的卡路里。我很清楚它,“她告诉今天。贝尔在2013年生下了女儿林肯,这对夫妇的第二个孩子,女儿达美,一年后跟随。这家人住在加利福尼亚,贝尔开玩笑地称之为“宇宙的饮食限制之都”。

“每个人的具体情况都比较滑稽,”密歇根本地人说,她认为烹饪最挑剔(至少在饮食方面)朋友是一个有趣的挑战。她说,为她的家人做饭很容易,因为她们愿意尝试任何事情。今天,贝尔仍然是一个自豪的素食主义者,但当PETA将这对夫妇命名为2013年最性感的素食名人时,谢泼德礼貌地 – 并且公开地 – 通过向Twitter承认他吃鸡肉而拒绝了这一头衔。.

克里斯汀 Bell and Dax Shepard
演员Kristen Bell和Dax Shepard于2023年1月18日在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举行的微软剧院2023年人民选择奖后台.Kevin Mazur / WireImage

另一方面,贝尔从不吃肉。 “我没有对它的渴望,”她说,然后补充说,她不是那种告诉别人他们可以吃什么,不能吃什么的人.

“我个人非常相信自己是一个尽心尽力的食客,所以当我吃乳制品和鸡蛋时,我想知道他们来自一个有人道待遇的地方,”这位女演员也是她的名人对动物的热爱 – 特别是树懒 – 说。 “艾伦秀”的视频中她收到了来自Dax的31岁生日礼物的懒人的惊喜访问,在YouTube上有360万观看次数.

但如果贝尔再次回归素食主义者,它不仅仅是出于动物的缘故。 “我认为纯素食是一种很好的生活方式,它对身体有很大的影响,”她说,“我认为它对环境有很好的影响。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Kristen Bell may no longer be a strict vegetarian, but she still supports this lifestyle. The “Bad Moms” star recently spoke out about it while filming her upcoming Netflix comedy “Like Father” in Jamaica. When she returns home, one of the first foods she will add to her Amazon shopping cart is cheese. Bell, a vegetarian for over 11 years, and her husband, actor Dax Shepard, became vegetarians in 2012 after watching “Forks Over Knives.” But Bell says the diet was unsustainable for her. “During my first pregnancy, I was working and felt like I needed more calories. I was very aware of it,” she told Today. Bell gave birth to her daughter Lincoln in 2013, followed by daughter Delta a year later. This family lives in California, which Bell jokingly calls the “dietary restriction capital of the universe.” On the other hand, Bell never eats meat. “I dont have a craving for it,” she said, adding that shes not the type of person to tell others what they can and cant eat. “I personally believe that Im a conscientious eater, so when I eat dairy and eggs, I want to know theyre coming from a humane source,” the actress, who is also known for her love of animals, especially sloths, said. However, if Bell were to return to being a vegetarian, it wouldnt just be for animal reasons. “I think veganism is a really good lifestyle and it has a great impact on the body,” she said. “I think it has a great impact on the environment.”

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