

如果你还没有尝试过硝基咖啡,你就错过了! Nitro是一种冷咖啡,它注入了微小的氮气泡,气泡使这种咖啡具有泡沫般的质感,就像啤酒一样。啤酒(有点)早餐?我们在!


但是星巴克正准备大力提升可用性,到夏季结束时,将新的Nitro Cold-Brew咖啡在约500秒内推出。你是否靠近你可能取决于你所在地区咖啡饮用者的冒险程度,以及商店是否有安装水龙头系统的柜台空间.

星巴克 Nitro Cold Brew Coffee


Nitro Cold-Brew从去年刚刚发布的常规Cold-Brew开始。柜台下面是一桶冷酿咖啡;一条线路连接到普通的冷酿水龙头,另一条线路从硝基水龙头流出时注入微小的氮气泡。常规Cold-Brew按照您的预期出炉:普通,深棕色,冷咖啡。随着硝基的流出,它逐渐进入杯中,将一点点分成更深更轻的啤酒,顶部有厚厚的泡沫 – 它看起来很像吉尼斯啤酒,甚至有类似的质地.


现在,星巴克的Nitro Cold Brew只在西雅图的14家商店有售,另外三家在俄勒冈州的波特兰有售,今天在这里有品味。旧金山将在未来几周内获得硝基,其次是洛杉矶,芝加哥,波士顿和纽约。如果硝基来到你的城镇,在订购之前你应该知道以下五件事:

1. 寻找类似啤酒的水龙头.


2.使用特殊的新10盎司杯子尺寸. 对于Nitro来说,星巴克推出了一个10盎司的“短杯”,比一个高出2盎司。那是因为没有冰的体积,咖啡和咖啡因都非常浓缩。虽然连锁店也为Nitro Cold Brew提供高(12盎司3.95美元)和格兰德尺寸(16盎司4.45美元),但它建议你做小。短10盎司的尺寸为3.45美元.


硝基是不加糖的,没有冰 – 避免这两种情况,并放弃牛奶站,否则你将冒险迅速稀释泡沫顶部。 (它已经从桶冷了。)

4.丢失盖子和稻草. 当咖啡师没有盖子和稻草放下你的硝基时,不要混淆。那是因为一根吸管会绕过最好的部分,那就是顶部的crema。因此,如果你需要一个盖子来随身携带饮料,他们会愉快地给你一个,但是一旦你到达你要去的地方,取下一个盖子然后品尝它,因为Nitro应该是.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “If you havent tried Nitro coffee yet, youre missing out! Nitro is a cold coffee infused with tiny nitrogen bubbles that give it a foamy texture, just like beer. Beer for (a little) breakfast? Count us in! So far, its been hard to find in most parts of the country, even in small artisanal coffee shops. But Starbucks is gearing up to make it more widely available, with the new Nitro Cold-Brew coffee set to roll out in about 500 locations by the end of summer. Whether its near you may depend on how adventurous your local coffee drinkers are and whether the store has counter space with a tap system installed. Starbucks Nitro Cold-Brew follows on the heels of last years regular Cold-Brew. Under the counter is a keg of cold-brew coffee; one line connects to a regular cold-brew tap, while another line flows out of a Nitro tap, injecting tiny nitrogen bubbles. The regular Cold-Brew comes out as youd expect: plain, dark brown, cold coffee. As the Nitro flows out, it gradually cascades into the cup, separating into darker and lighter layers with a thick foam on top – it looks a lot like Guinness beer, and even has a similar texture. Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew is currently only available in 14 stores in Seattle and three in Portland, Oregon, as of today. San Francisco will get Nitro in the coming weeks, followed by Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and New York. If Nitro comes to your town, here are five things you should know before ordering: 1. Look for beer-like taps. To know if your Starbucks is serving Nitro, look for signage or click the chrome tap handle at the corner, which looks like the beer taps you see at bars. 2. Use the special new 10-ounce cup size. For Nitro, Starbucks has introduced a 10-ounce “short” cup, which is 2 ounces smaller than a tall. Thats because without ice, the coffee and caffeine are highly concentrated. While the chain also offers Nitro Cold Brew in tall (12 ounces for $3.95) and grande sizes (16 ounces for $4.45), it recommends going small. The short 10-ounce

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