星巴克释放出金色浓咖啡 – 但它到底是什么?

星巴克释放出金色浓咖啡 – 但它到底是什么?


今天,咖啡连锁店正朝着扭转声誉迈出了一大步,推出了一个新的永久菜单项目:Blonde Espresso.

金发 Espresso

展望未来,客户现在可以享用两种浓缩咖啡烘焙选择 – 签名或金发 – 订购饮料,如拿铁,卡布奇诺,平白,玛奇朵,美式咖啡或直接拍摄.



金发 Espresso
在星巴克订购拿铁咖啡和其他饮料时,顾客现在可以选择Signature或Blonde Espresso烤肉.星巴克



首先,金色浓缩咖啡拍摄:它明显柑橘味,甜美,味道更加平滑。 Signature有那种熟悉的,几乎被烧焦的苦味。完全相反,基本上。 (星巴克发言人向TODAY Food证实,金发女郎也有“更多”咖啡因。)

签名 and Blonde Espresso
即使在眼睛上,Blonde Espresso(左侧)看起来也比大胆的Signature Espresso轻得多.特蕾西萨林杰

然后,我尝试了常规饮料中的金发女郎,平白。我有点喜欢金发女郎的镜头,所以我很惊讶地发现我错过了Signature的大胆,但我想这对于像Flat White这样简单的饮料来说是有道理的.


金发 Espresso signage
如果你现在走进星巴克,很难错过关于Blonde Espresso的新闻:明亮的黄色标志已经取代了大部分菜单板.特蕾西萨林杰

现在走进任何一家星巴克,很难错过关于Blonde Espresso的新闻:亮黄色的标牌已经取代了酒吧上方的大部分菜单,宣布抵达的大黄色贴纸贴在门上。这是该公司40年来的“第一款新核心浓缩咖啡”,所以他们正在为此做出巨大贡献.

然而,我们不是第一个获得金发女郎的人:自2013年以来一直在特定的国际市场上销售,自去年以来在加拿大。 (加拿大人非常喜欢它,星巴克指出。)

时间将告诉美国人是否也这样做 – 如果星巴克最终会动摇其苦涩的代表.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, based on the given text, it seems that Starbucks has taken a big step towards improving its reputation by introducing a new permanent menu item, Blonde Espresso, which offers customers a choice between traditional Signature roast or the new lighter Blonde roast. Blonde Espresso is made from beans that are sweeter, more citrusy, and lightly roasted, giving it a smoother taste compared to the bold and bitter Signature Espresso. Customers can now choose between the two roasts when ordering their favorite drinks like latte, cappuccino, flat white, macchiato, Americano, or shots. The Blonde Espresso has a bright yellow sign that has replaced most of the menu boards in Starbucks stores, indicating the companys commitment to this new core espresso. While Blonde Espresso has been available in certain international markets since 2013 and in Canada since last year, it remains to be seen if it will be as popular in the US and if it will shake up Starbucks bitter reputation.

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