


拿铁 Art Heart
Alessandra Bulow /今天

幸运的是,来自纽约市Bluebird Coffee的才华横溢的咖啡师Jarrah Aitchison非常友好地为我们提供了一个教程,让您可以为今天生活中的所有咖啡爱好者制作心形咖啡.



客厅 Coffee at NYC's Bluebird Coffee
Alessandra Bulow /今天

选择您将用于制作浓缩咖啡的最喜欢的咖啡豆。在Bluebird,咖啡师使用来自纽约布鲁克林的Parlor Coffee.

研磨 coffee beans into a fine powder to make espresso
Alessandra Bulow /今天


倒 espresso into a large coffee cup
Alessandra Bulow /今天


泡沫 warm milk for the latte
Alessandra Bulow /今天


龙头 and swirl to remove air bubbles from warm frothed milk
Alessandra Bulow /今天


倒 a dollop of steamed milk into espresso
Alessandra Bulow /今天


漩涡 cup to combine espresso and steamed milk
Alessandra Bulow /今天


背景 for latte art
Alessandra Bulow /今天


倾斜 the coffee cup then pour milk into the center until a large white circle appears
Alessandra Bulow /今天


至 create the bottom point of a heart, raise the pitcher and pour the milk in a straight line away from you
Alessandra Bulow /今天




About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:

    Of course, you can continue to make your usual cup of joe, but by learning how to make a beautiful foam heart to top your latte, you can show off your love for coffee. Its easier than you think! Luckily, the talented barista Jarrah Aitchison from Bluebird Coffee in New York City has kindly provided us with a tutorial so you can make heart-shaped coffee for all the coffee lovers in your life today. Choose your favorite coffee beans to make the espresso. At Bluebird, the baristas use Parlor Coffee from Brooklyn, New York. Grind the beans into fine powder before brewing the espresso. Alternatively, you can make instant espresso with boiling water. Pour the espresso into a wide-mouthed coffee cup and set it aside. Use the steam wand of an espresso machine or a handheld frother (which can be purchased for as little as $10) to heat up a cup of milk for 3 to 7 seconds until there are no large bubbles. The frothy liquid should look like shiny white paint. Gently swirl the pitcher and tap it lightly on the countertop until there are no visible bubbles. Immediately pour a dollop of milk into the cup with the espresso. Swirl the cup two to three times to mix the milk and espresso together. The result will be a solid light brown that will serve as the background for your design. Tilt the cup at a certain angle with one hand and hold it firmly. With the other hand, hold the water pitcher so that the spout is about an inch away from the surface of the milk and espresso mixture. Pour the milk into the center of the cup until a solid white circle appears. When the cup is about three-quarters full, raise the pitchers height by an inch, then pour the milk away from you, cutting through the center and creating the bottom point of the heart. Enjoy!

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