


Mirabeau Wine推出了一个新视频,通过如何在没有开瓶器的情况下打开一瓶葡萄酒来告诉我们。你所需要的只是瓶子,鞋子,墙壁和对葡萄酒的渴望 – 渴望有人要求邻居借用开瓶器。幸运的是,如果你问我们,那些东西都很容易找到.


红酒 bottle opening trick
尝试这个新技巧,打开没有开瓶器的葡萄酒瓶! Alesandra都柏林/今天

不就是这样吗?你告诉我们当你在家里尝试它时(第一次小心翼翼)会发生什么,并亲自看看。我们在我们的办公室尝试了它并没有做到这一点 – 但公平地说,我们尝试用塑料瓶塞(不要判断)。你可以用真正的软木塞取得更大的成功. 


顺便说一句,如果你有300美元的备用,还有另一种方式可以享受一瓶不用开瓶的葡萄酒 – Coravin,一种刺穿软木塞并加压瓶子的小工具,因此没有氧气进入葡萄酒。我们喜欢使用它是多么容易,它允许我们在几天,几周或几个月内护理昂贵的瓶子。当然,这是昂贵的。但我们的鞋也是如此. 

Alesandra Dubin是洛杉矶的作家,也是家庭和旅游博客Homebody in Motion的创始人。在Facebook,Google +和Twitter上关注她.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Get ready to completely change your life. Well, at least your drinking life. Mirabeau Wine has launched a new video showing us how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. All you need is a bottle, a shoe, a wall, and a desire for wine – a desire for someone to borrow a corkscrew from the neighbor. Luckily, if you ask us, those things are easy to find. First, remove the protective film (called “capsule”) covering the top of the bottle. Then, place the bottom of the bottle inside the shoe to protect the glass, and repeatedly hit the shoe sole against the wall until the cork slowly comes out of the bottle. It looks easy! Try this new trick to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew! Alesandra Dublin/today, isnt it? Tell us what happens when you try it at home (be careful the first time) and see for yourself. We tried it in our office and didnt quite succeed – but to be fair, we tried it with a plastic bottle cap (dont judge). You can achieve greater success with a real cork. Also, dont try it with the most precious bottles, as shaking may damage the wine. But we think this would be amazing for picnics as the weather warms up (as long as theres a wall in the park!) and for parties where corkscrews are nowhere to be found. How cool will you look in front of your friends? By the way, if you have $300 to spare, theres another way to enjoy a bottle of wine without uncorking it – Coravin, a small tool that pierces the cork and pressurizes the bottle, so no oxygen enters the wine. We love how easy it is to use, and it allows us to nurse expensive bottles for days, weeks, or months. Of course, its expensive. But so are our shoes. Alesandra Dubin is a writer in Los Angeles and the founder of the family and travel blog Homebody in Motion. Follow her on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.”

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