



纸板箱 of eggs
Getty Images / EyeEm

尽管人们普遍存在一种误解,认为棕色鸡蛋比白色鸡蛋更健康 – 或者更自然 – 但是当它涉及到营养素时,它们的颜色并不重要。事实是,白色的鸡蛋由母鸡产下,白色的羽毛和白色的耳垂,而棕色的鸡蛋来自母鸡,棕色或红色的羽毛和红色的耳垂.


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然而,喂母鸡确实会影响蛋黄的不同色调。 Bonnie Taub-Di,RDN和“在你吃之前阅读它 – 从标签到餐桌”的作者比较了鸡饲料影响蛋黄颜色的方式,以及如何吃甜菜可能会使人的尿液变成微粉红色。同样,服用铁补充剂可使肠蠕动变成深褐色甚至黑色.

“母鸡的饮食会影响蛋中蛋黄的颜色。如果她正在吃含有黄橙色素的植物,那么蛋黄会呈现出更橙的颜色。如果她的饲料是由玉米或小麦组成的,那么颜色就是蛋黄可能是一种更苍白的颜色,“Taub-Dix告诉TODAY Food.



虽然蛋黄的阴影可能不会影响其健康价值,但许多厨师,农民和家庭厨师都发誓,蛋黄的颜色实际上会影响鸡蛋的味道 – 以及它所使用的菜肴。阴影越活泼,味道越活泼。 , 他们说.

Le Coq Rico是纽约市的一家餐厅,以其以鸡蛋为中心的早午餐而闻名,这使得食客可以精确地选择他们想要吃哪种鸡蛋。它的总经理安东尼巴塔利亚告诉Extra Crispy鸡蛋有不同的风味特征,并相信明亮的橙色蛋黄质量更丰富。如果您正在寻找品尝更好的鸡蛋,Battaglia建议仔细检查这些鸡是如何饲养的以及它们吃的是什么.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding.

    “We know that eggs are not only delicious, but they are also a nutritious powerhouse that makes our mornings more sunny… or maybe too simple! But when it comes to the relative health or taste of eggs, what do the soft yellow, bright gold, and orange-red colors of the yolk really mean? Despite the common misconception that brown eggs are healthier – or more natural – than white eggs, their color is not important when it comes to nutrients. The fact is, white eggs come from chickens with white feathers and earlobes, while brown eggs come from chickens with brown or red feathers and earlobes. Do you feel the need to pay extra cash for brown eggs, or say that taking eggs out of the carton from left to right is much better? Different colored eggs have the same basic nutritional components inside. But what about those yolks? Research conducted by the US Department of Agriculture shows that the color of the yolk does not affect the nutritional value of the egg. All yolks contain less water, more fat, and less than half the protein, such as the white of the egg. However, most of the vitamins and minerals in eggs are found in the yolk. These include iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, thiamine, and riboflavin. However, feeding hens does affect the different shades of yolk. Bonnie Taub-Di, RDN and author of “Read It Before You Eat It – From Labels to the Table” compared how chicken feed affects yolk color and how eating beets may turn urine a faint pink color. Similarly, taking iron supplements can make bowel movements turn dark brown or even black. “The hens diet affects the color of the yolk in the egg. If she is eating plants that contain yellow-orange pigments, then the yolk will appear more orange. If her feed is made up of corn or wheat, then the color of the yolk may be a paler shade,” Taub-Dix told TODAY Food. Although the shade of the yolk may not affect its health value, many chefs, farmers, and home cooks swear that the color of the yolk actually affects the taste of the egg – and the dish it is used in. The more vibrant the shade, the more lively the taste

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