Olive Garden以其俗气的肉丸碗将披萨带到新的深度

Olive Garden以其俗气的肉丸碗将披萨带到新的深度

移过Never Ending Pasta Pass和饼干黄油蛋糕,Olive Garden现在有一个新的值得庆祝的项目:Meatball Pizza Bowl.


橄榄 Garden's new Meatball Bread Bowl is filled with meatballs, meat sauce and Italian cheeses in a pizza crust bowl.
Olive Garden的新肉丸面包碗里装满了肉丸,肉酱和意大利奶酪.橄榄花园

为了制作披萨碗,Olive Garden厨师将面团放在一杯意大利奶酪上,这有助于菜肴在烘烤时保持其形状。当倒置时,将现在融化的奶酪倒入碗中,然后整个盘子上面放上肉丸和肉酱。橄榄园的发言人通过电子邮件告诉TODAY Food,披萨外壳上涂有油和更多的奶酪,这与链条制作其着名面包棒的方式相似.

售价为8.99美元的Meatball Pizza Bowl是意大利餐厅连锁店Lunch Duos的新选择,为顾客提供无限量的沙拉或汤和面包棒,以及您选择的主菜.

虽然俗气的菜可能听起来像一个健康的食客的噩梦,但它实际上远离Olive Garden菜单上最高热量的食物。在860卡路里的热量中,它是Chicken Duo菜单上第二高的卡路里选择,仅次于Chicken&Cheese Piadina,其热量高达1,430卡路里。但比萨碗的卡路里含量仍远低于经典意大利面,如意大利面配肉酱和肉丸(1,210卡路里)或着名鸡肉阿尔弗雷多,其中含有1,480卡路里.

橄榄 Garden's Chicken Parmigiana



当然,肉丸比萨碗不是最近唯一一个为Olive Garden菜单设计的野生新品。 2月,该连锁店首次推出Loaded Pasta Chips,正好赶上超级碗。这是一道意大利面爱好者的梦想,这道菜包括用千层面做成的薯条,这些面条是“用意大利奶酪和丰盛的肉酱轻轻炸制而成的。配上樱桃辣椒和阿尔弗雷多毛毛雨。”

如果您渴望意大利美食,但寻找更健康的选择,可以考虑用西葫芦面条或“zoodles”制作的链条的Spiralized Veggie Pasta,热量为560卡路里。或者,如果你有一些严肃的意志力,你可以尝试跳过面包碗,只吃这样的顾客的肉丸和酱:

虽然肉丸比萨碗目前只作为连锁店午餐菜单的一部分提供,但Olive Garden发言人表示,地点将尝试在正常午餐时间之外满足菜肴的特殊要求.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, I can say that the Meatball Pizza Bowl from Olive Garden sounds like an interesting and unique dish. The idea of a pizza crust bowl filled with melted cheese, meatballs, and meat sauce is definitely worth trying. Its good to know that its not the highest calorie option on the menu, and that there are healthier alternatives available for those who are watching their calorie intake. Overall, its great to see Olive Garden introducing new and exciting dishes to their menu.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, I can say that the Meatball Pizza Bowl from Olive Garden sounds like a unique and delicious dish. The idea of a pizza crust bowl filled with melted Italian cheese, meatballs, and meat sauce is mouth-watering. It is also good to know that this dish is not the highest calorie option on the menu. For those looking for healthier options, Olive Garden offers Spiralized Veggie Pasta made with zucchini noodles. Overall, it is exciting to see new and creative dishes being added to the menu at Olive Garden.

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