在有限的时间内,汉堡将有两种额外的尺寸:Grand Mac,它有一个较厚的馅饼和一块额外的奶酪,以及Mac Jr.,它基本上只是一个带有特殊酱汁的单一馅饼汉堡.
传说中的三明治似乎变得很少 太 很多传奇。据彭博社报道, 麦当劳公司的一份内部公司备忘录显示,只有20%的千禧一代拥有平均水平 试着 一个巨无霸。 (是的,我们和你一样震惊。)
因此,随着体积较小(460卡路里),麦当劳可能会瞄准注重健康的千禧一代,他们想要尝试经典风味组合而不承诺所有卡路里。巨大的体积(860卡路里)可能会让千禧一代成为一种新奇事物 – 一个不得不尝试它的Instagram项目.
看起来麦当劳过去几年最剧烈的菜单变化是加入全天早餐,似乎连锁店都在坚持经典,而不是与Taco Bell的炸鸡炸玉米饼壳或汉堡王的Mac n’等标题性菜单项竞争。奇多.
相关:麦当劳的鸡肉McNuggets有4种形状 – 它们有名字!
但如果布隆伯格说“千禧一代被怀旧戏剧所迷住”是正确的话,那么我们都会在Instagram上用#TBT-ing我们的Mac Jr.汉堡,用90年代的流行文化参考标题(“亲爱的,我收缩了很快就会出现巨无霸“?”.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the changes that McDonalds is making to its iconic Big Mac burger, introducing two new sizes: the Grand Mac and the Mac Jr. The Grand Mac has a thicker patty and an extra slice of cheese, while the Mac Jr. is a smaller version of the classic burger with a special sauce. The article also mentions that only 20% of millennials have tried a Big Mac, according to an internal memo from McDonalds. The company may be targeting health-conscious millennials with the smaller size, while the larger size could be a novelty item for Instagram users. The article notes that McDonalds has not made as drastic menu changes as its competitors, but if Bloombergs statement that millennials are nostalgic is true, then the new Big Mac sizes could become a popular throwback item.