如何烤玉米:Billy Dec分享他的小贴士和街头玉米食谱

如何烤玉米:Billy Dec分享他的小贴士和街头玉米食谱

芝加哥的Billy Dec,包括Rockit Bar&Grill,Sunda和Rockit Burger Bar在内的餐厅背后的男士,分享了他购买和烧烤玉米的最佳秘诀,以及受墨西哥和东南亚最受欢迎的风味包装烤玉米食谱.



Billy Dec的购买最好的玉米的提示

何时购买: 尝试尽可能接近采摘玉米,因为玉米糖一旦收获就会转化为淀粉(25%的玉米糖含量在最初的24小时内损失)。购买玉米的农民市场是一个不错的选择.

要找什么: 确保果壳是新鲜的和明亮的绿色(没有干燥),并紧紧包裹。检查从耳朵顶部出来的丝绸缠结 – 它应该是厚的,因为每根线代表一个核心,触摸时有些丝滑,顶部总是金色(或金棕色),底部是淡绿色(避免干燥和黑丝绸)。茎端应该看起来和感觉清新和湿润。如果它是棕色的,那意味着它被切割了好几天而不是最好的。玉米也应该感到沉重,坚定和充分包装.

烤 corn on the grill
Rockit Ranch

Billy Dec的玉米烧烤基础知识

  1. 首先拉出外壳的外层,使内层仍然连接.
  2. 用手从玉米穗上扯下所有丝线.
  3. 将内壳折回以覆盖耳朵,并将玉米放入水中15分钟.
  4. 将烤架预热至中高温.
  5. 从水中取出玉米,抖掉多余的水,放在烤架上(玉米在壳里蒸熟).
  6. 每隔4-5分钟转一圈,确保玉米在任何一侧都不会过多烧焦.
  7. 当籽粒变软时,取出约15分钟.
Elote (Mexican Corn)



巽 Southeast Asian Street Corn




About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Billy Dec, the man behind restaurants such as Rockit Bar & Grill, Sunda, and Rockit Burger Bar in Chicago, shares his best tips for buying and grilling corn, as well as recipes for grilled corn with popular Mexican and Southeast Asian flavors. His tips for buying corn include looking for fresh and bright green husks, checking the silk for thickness and silkiness, and feeling for a heavy and firm cob. His grilling method involves soaking the corn in water, grilling it with the husk on, and rotating it every few minutes to prevent burning. Overall, this article provides helpful insights for anyone looking to up their corn-grilling game.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Billy Dec, the man behind restaurants such as Rockit Bar & Grill, Sunda, and Rockit Burger Bar in Chicago, shares his best tips for buying and grilling corn, as well as recipes for grilled corn with popular Mexican and Southeast Asian flavors. His tips for buying corn include looking for fresh and bright green husks, checking the silk for thickness and silkiness, and feeling for a heavy and firm cob. His grilling method involves soaking the corn in water, grilling it with the husk on, and rotating it every few minutes to prevent burning. Overall, this article provides helpful insights for anyone looking to up their corn-grilling game.

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