什么是咖啡糖浆? 5种方式使用Trader Joe的美味新产品

什么是咖啡糖浆? 5种方式使用Trader Joe的美味新产品

每年的这个时候,我们对任何可以帮助我们获得冷咖啡因修复的东西都是一个傻瓜 – 统计 – 特别是我们可以在家里以便宜的方式做到这一点。这就是为什么我们很高兴看到新的Trader Joe’s Coffee Syrup出现在商店里.

你问什么是咖啡糖浆?除非你住在或频繁出现罗德岛 – 这种成分在20世纪20年代或30年代开始流行 – 你可能不熟悉用于制作咖啡牛奶的浓咖啡浓缩咖啡,这是美国最小州的官方饮料。可以把它想象成你用来制作巧克力牛奶的巧克力糖浆的咖啡版.

现在,Trader Joe’s以令人印象深刻的形式将这种成分带给了大众:它的版本只用蔗糖,水和咖啡制作(有些品牌使用高果糖玉米糖浆和人工色素)。此外,它还配有一个非常可爱的老式瓶子.

“东北地区的家庭”为Trader Joe’s制作了糖浆,这使得其自有品牌生产商处于不利地位。 16盎司的售价为4.49美元,并将在有限的时间内上市.

以下是一些使用Trader Joe’s Coffee Syrup的方法.


首先,您需要成为一名纯粹主义者,并尝试将其用于咖啡牛奶中。通常情况下,人们使用大约2汤匙的咖啡糖浆来制作8盎司的牛奶,但是玩耍并增加味道 – 这就是TJ本身如何服务于冰块.



虽然你绝对可以用它来做一个圣代,但Instagrammer @xsteenabeana提出了用它制作自己的无乳制品冰淇淋的想法,只使用椰子奶油,速溶咖啡和可可豆粒一起使用它.



随着咖啡糖浆的稠度越来越浓,烹饪蝴蝶博主Lisa Soldo-Johnson选择将其替换为常规糖浆,将其倒在煎饼上.


4. …和法国吐司

当然,咖啡糖浆与法国吐司配对也很好 – 顶部有一勺冰淇淋,正如你可以从Instagrammer @wilabong的镜头中看到的那样。他还建议在糖浆中加入一碗Cinnamon Toast Crunch谷物和冰淇淋,以获得更多高概念的美食。.



当然,它也适用于成人饮料。从纽约州中部的Nola餐厅获取此提示,并将咖啡糖浆添加到咖啡中(他们使用热烤榛子咖啡,但任何 – 冰或热 – 都会很好用),以及榛子利口酒和顶部奶油.





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    Every year at this time, we are fools for anything that can help us get our cold caffeine fix – statistics – especially when we can do it cheaply at home. Thats why were excited to see the new Trader Joes Coffee Syrup appearing in stores. You ask what is coffee syrup? Unless you live in or frequent Rhode Island – where the ingredient became popular in the 1920s or 30s for making coffee milk, the official drink of Americas smallest state – you may not be familiar with the coffee concentrate used to make it. Think of it as the coffee version of the chocolate syrup you use to make chocolate milk. Now, Trader Joes has brought this ingredient to the masses in an impressive form: its version is made with only cane sugar, water, and coffee (some brands use high fructose corn syrup and artificial coloring). Additionally, it comes with a very cute vintage bottle. “Northeastern families” made the syrup for Trader Joes, putting its private label manufacturers at a disadvantage. The 16-ounce bottle is priced at $4.49 and will be available for a limited time. Here are some ways to use Trader Joes Coffee Syrup. 1. In Milk First, you need to become a purist and try it in coffee milk. Typically, people use about 2 tablespoons of coffee syrup to make 8 ounces of milk, but play around and add flavor – this is how TJ itself serves it over ice. 2. As an Ice Cream Topping Although you can definitely use it to make a sundae, Instagrammer @xsteenabeana suggested using it to make her own dairy-free ice cream, using only coconut cream, instant coffee, and cocoa nibs with it. On Pancakes… As the coffee syrup thickens, culinary butterfly blogger Lisa Soldo-Johnson chose to replace it with regular syrup, pouring it over pancakes. …and French Toast Of course, coffee syrup pairs well with French toast – topped with a scoop of ice cream, as you can see from Instagrammer @wilabongs shot. He also suggested adding a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal and ice cream to the syrup for a more high-concept dish. Dont forget cocktails! Of course, its also great for adult beverages. Get this tip from N

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