Cindy Crawfordová, Naomi Campbellová a supermodelské hvězdy dokazují, že to ještě mají

Cindy Crawfordová, Naomi Campbellová a supermodelské hvězdy dokazují, že to ještě mají

Cindy Crawfordova dcera Kaia Gerberová může být dnes jedním z nejvíce žádaných modelů, ale pokud jde o projížďku na přistávací dráze, legendární supermodelka dokazuje, že ji určitě ještě má.

Donatella Versace sdílela neuvěřitelný příspěvek Instagram z “Milostného týdne” na konci své výstavy v pátek večer. Designér uzavřel prezentaci tím, že projel dráhou s pěti ikonickými supermodelkami, které byly vybaveny třpytivými zlatými šaty.

Zdánlivě bezstarostní všichni-hvězdy, kteří se stali slávou na počátku 90. let, zahrnovali Carlu Bruni, Cindy Crawfordovou, Naomi Campbellovou, Helenu Christensenovou a Claudii Schifferovou.

Pět supermodelů, kteří se pohybují ve věku od 47 do 51 let, dokázali jednou provždy, že věk není nic jiného než číslo.

Po debutování kolekce jaro / léto inspirovaná pop art pro rok 2023 s mladšími modely – jmenovitě Hadidovými sestrami a Crawfordovou dcerou Kaia – se přehlídka zastavila pro velmi zvláštní hold.

Ikony dráhy se vynořily za záclonou, z nichž každý oblékla slinky, kovové síťové šaty na počest pozdního bratra Donatelly Versace, Gianni Versace, který byl zavražděn před 20 lety.

Donatella, 62 let, se připojila ke skupině, když se rozběhli po dráze k písečné skladbě Georgea Michaela “Svoboda”. V 90. letech 20. století hráli Crawford a Campbell hudební video skladby. Píseň také hrála jako soundtrack k přehlídce podzimu / zimy Versace v roce 1991.

Moment byl jedním z milníků v módním světě, stejně jako v osobním životě dynamického duo modelování matka a dcery.

Zatímco šestnáctiletý Gerber ohromil v první polovině show, Crawford, 51, dokázal, že je stále modelující silou, která má být oceněna.

Gerber sdílel zvláštní okamžik na Instagram.

“Taková neuvěřitelná show, která je součástí! … Úžasná oslava a hold, tak pro mě a tak blízko ke mému srdci.” “Jsem mimo vděčnost chodit po všech těch inspirativních a mocných ženách,” řekl Gerber moment.

Supermodely vzdávají hold Gianni Versace 20 let po úmrtí designéra


Videa od ostatních návštěvníků show se od té doby na Instagram stovky tisíců setkali.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Cindy Crawfords daughter, Kaia Gerber, may be one of the most sought-after models today, but when it comes to walking the runway, the legendary supermodel proves she still has it. Donatella Versace shared an incredible Instagram post from “Love Week” at the end of her show on Friday night. The designer closed the presentation by driving down the runway with five iconic supermodels, all dressed in glittering gold dresses. The seemingly carefree stars who became famous in the early 90s included Carla Bruni, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen, and Claudia Schiffer. Five supermodels, ranging in age from 47 to 51, proved once and for all that age is nothing but a number. After debuting a spring/summer collection inspired by pop art for 2018 with younger models – namely the Hadid sisters and Crawfords daughter Kaia – the show stopped for a very special tribute. Runway icons emerged from behind the curtains, each dressed in slinky, metallic mesh dresses in honor of Donatella Versaces late brother, Gianni Versace, who was murdered 20 years ago. Donatella, 62, joined the group as they ran down the runway to George Michaels “Freedom” song. In the 90s, Crawford and Campbell starred in the music video for the song. The song also played as the soundtrack to Versaces fall/winter 1991 show. The moment was a milestone in the fashion world, as well as in the personal lives of the dynamic mother-daughter modeling duo. While 16-year-old Gerber dazzled in the first half of the show, Crawford, 51, proved she is still a modeling force to be reckoned with. Gerber shared the special moment on Instagram. “Such an incredible show to be a part of! @donatella_versace YOU DID IT! An amazing celebration and tribute. So special to me and so close to my heart. Im beyond grateful to walk alongside all these inspiring and powerful women,” Gerber said of the moment. Videos from other show attendees have since garnered hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Cindy Crawfords daughter, Kaia Gerber, may be one of the most sought-after models today, but when it comes to walking the runway, the legendary supermodel proves she still has it. Donatella Versace shared an incredible Instagram post from “Love Week” at the end of her show on Friday night. The designer closed the presentation by driving down the runway with five iconic supermodels, all dressed in glittering gold dresses. The seemingly carefree stars who became famous in the early 90s included Carla Bruni, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen, and Claudia Schiffer. Five supermodels, ranging in age from 47 to 51, proved once and for all that age is nothing but a number. After debuting a spring/summer collection inspired by pop art for 2018 with younger models – namely the Hadid sisters and Crawfords daughter Kaia – the show stopped for a very special tribute. Runway icons emerged from behind the curtains, each dressed in slinky, metallic mesh dresses in honor of Donatella Versaces late brother, Gianni Versace, who was murdered 20 years ago. Donatella, 62, joined the group as they ran down the runway to George Michaels “Freedom” song. In the 90s, Crawford and Campbell starred in the music video for the song. The song also played as the soundtrack to Versaces fall/winter 1991 show. The moment was a milestone in the fashion world, as well as in the personal lives of the dynamic mother-daughter modeling duo. While 16-year-old Gerber dazzled in the first half of the show, Crawford, 51, proved she is still a modeling force to be reckoned with. Gerber shared the special moment on Instagram. “Such an incredible show to be a part of! @donatella_versace YOU DID IT! An amazing celebration and tribute. So special to me and so close to my heart. Im beyond grateful to walk alongside all these inspiring and powerful women,” Gerber said of the moment. Videos from other show attendees have since garnered hundreds of thousands of views on Instagram.

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