Връзка, всички! Майли Сайръс се завръща за още един кръг от Carpool Karaoke на “The Late Late Show”!
Певецът “Млад Сега” и треньорът “Глас” се вмъкнаха заедно с домакин Джеймс Кордън в шоуто във вторник вечерта, за да закопаят някои от най-обичаните му мелодии и, както се оказва, да му помогне с някаква поща, която очевидно е трябвало да изпрати.
Последно видяхме Cyrus на 24-годишна възраст в колата през август, когато тя и нейното музикално семейство (включително татко Били Рей Сайръс) се качиха за шофиране из Лос Анджелис, носейки перуки и пеейки песни като “Achy Breaky Heart”.
Но този път всичко беше Майли и това означаваше взривяване чрез хитове като “Party in The USA”, “Wrecking Ball”, “Malibu” и “We Can not Stop”.
В същото време Кордън се възползва от подвижния език на Сайръс, за да навлажни някои пощенски марки, които ни караха да се кикотваме неконтролируемо. И ние също така научихме, че Кийс е очевидно уличен, ужасен шофьор!
Тя също така посочва как тя е отлежала от нейните дни “Хана Монтана”, и се научи да оценява миналото си роли и текущата знаменитост. – Всички трябва да прегърнат кой са били, защото те направиха кой си сега – каза тя мъдро.
Имаха много време, но Сайръс (който е известен с любовта си към марихуаната) предполага, че биха могли да я изстрелят на един проряд: “Това би било по-забавно, ако сме заредили това нещо”, да пушат в затворено пространство.
Смятаме, че имат страхотно време, независимо от това!
Следвайте Randee Dawn в Twitter.
Майли Сайръс, Блейк Шелтън и други звезди на “Глас” празнуват с Карсън Дали
It seems like Miley Cyrus is back for another round of Carpool Karaoke on “The Late Late Show”! The “Younger Now” singer and “The Voice” coach joined host James Corden on Tuesday night to sing some of her beloved hits and, as it turns out, help him with some mail that he apparently needed to send. Last time we saw Cyrus in the car was in August, when she and her musical family (including dad Billy Ray Cyrus) went for a drive around Los Angeles, wearing wigs and singing songs like “Achy Breaky Heart.” But this time it was all Miley, which meant explosive performances of hits like “Party in The USA,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Malibu,” and “We Cant Stop.” At the same time, Corden took advantage of Cyrus quick tongue to moisten some postage stamps, which made us laugh uncontrollably. We also learned that Keys is apparently a terrible driver! Party in the C.A.R. with Miley and James! CBS She also pointed out how she has grown from her “Hannah Montana” days and learned to appreciate her past roles and current celebrity. “Everyone has to embrace who they were because thats what made them who they are now,” she wisely said. They had a lot of time, but Cyrus (who is known for her love of marijuana) suggested they could shoot her up on one occasion: “It would be more fun if we loaded this thing up,” to smoke in an enclosed space. We think they had a great time, regardless! Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.
It seems like Miley Cyrus is back for another round of Carpool Karaoke on “The Late Late Show”! The “Younger Now” singer and “The Voice” coach joined host James Corden on Tuesday night to sing some of her beloved hits and, as it turns out, help him with some mail that he apparently needed to send. Last time we saw Cyrus in the car was in August, when she and her musical family (including dad Billy Ray Cyrus) went for a drive around Los Angeles, wearing wigs and singing songs like “Achy Breaky Heart.” But this time it was all Miley, which meant explosive performances of hits like “Party in The USA,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Malibu,” and “We Cant Stop.” At the same time, Corden took advantage of Cyrus quick tongue to moisten some postage stamps, which made us laugh uncontrollably. We also learned that Keys is apparently a terrible driver! Party in the C.A.R. with Miley and James! CBS She also pointed out how she has grown from her “Hannah Montana” days and learned to appreciate her past roles and current celebrity. “Everyone has to embrace who they were because thats what made them who they are now,” she wisely said. They had a lot of time, but Cyrus (who is known for her love of marijuana) suggested they could shoot her up on one occasion: “It would be more fun if we loaded this thing up,” to smoke in an enclosed space. We think they had a great time, regardless! Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.