

她可能只有一天,但Poppy Louise Hager已经过了充实的生活。她是布什家族的热门商品.

相关:Jenna Bush Hager欢迎以乔治H.W命名的第二个女儿.

这个女婴有一些非常特别的游客,她们帮助她欢迎她走向世界 – 她的祖父母,劳拉和乔治·W·布什总统.


为了庆祝这个家庭的最新成员,布什总统分享了他和劳拉抱着他们现在的两个孙女的绝对可爱的画面。 Mila对她的新姐姐职责感到非常兴奋。这是一个与本周早些时候不同的曲调,当珍娜分享说,Mila正在质疑不得不突然与她的新妹妹分享她的爸爸之类的东西.

“Laura和我今天很高兴见到我们的第二个孙子.Poppy Louise Hager昨天在纽约市进入世界,但我们认为她是名誉上的德克萨斯人。珍娜和亨利选择了她的名字,以纪念她的曾祖父,41岁,布什总统在一份声明中表示,我们感谢上帝 – 以及珍娜和亨利 – 感谢这美好,健康的生命礼物。.


相关:Jenna Bush Hager在Laura,Barbara Bush打电话给TODAY节目时泪流满面




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “She may only have one day, but Poppy Louise Hager has already lived a fulfilling life. She is a popular commodity of the Bush family. Related: Jenna Bush Hager welcomes second daughter named after George H.W. This baby girl has some very special visitors who helped her welcome her into the world – her grandparents, Laura and George W. Bush. The George W. Bush office shared an absolutely adorable picture of him and Laura holding their two granddaughters to celebrate the newest addition to the family. Mila is very excited about her new sisters responsibilities. This is a different tune from earlier this week when Jenna shared that Mila was questioning having to suddenly share her dad with her new sister. “Laura and I are thrilled to meet our second grandson today. Poppy Louise Hager entered the world yesterday in New York City, but we consider her a Texan in spirit. Jenna and Henry chose her name to honor her great-grandfather, 41st President George H.W. Bush,” said Bush in a statement. “We thank God – and Jenna and Henry – for this beautiful, healthy gift of life. Perhaps we have a future First Lady on our hands with her name inspired by her great-grandfather, President George H.W. Bush. Related: Jenna Bush Hager in tears as Laura, Barbara Bush call TODAY show. These grandparents are certainly excited for another grandchild to spoil and love! Lets hope that as Poppy and Mila grow up, George shares more precious photos!” Jenna Bush Hager: Daughter Milas anger towards the impending baby is pitiful Aug.11.201501:44 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “She may only have one day, but Poppy Louise Hager has already lived a fulfilling life. She is a popular commodity of the Bush family. Related: Jenna Bush Hager welcomes second daughter named after George H.W. This baby girl has some very special visitors who helped her welcome her into the world – her grandparents, Laura and George W. Bush. The George W. Bush office shared an absolutely adorable picture of him and Laura holding their two granddaughters to celebrate the newest addition to the family. Mila is very excited about her new sisters responsibilities. This is a different tune from earlier this week when Jenna shared that Mila was questioning having to suddenly share her dad with her new sister. “Laura and I are thrilled to meet our second grandson today. Poppy Louise Hager entered the world yesterday in New York City, but we consider her a Texan in spirit. Jenna and Henry chose her name to honor her great-grandfather, 41st President George H.W. Bush,” said Bush in a statement. “We thank God – and Jenna and Henry – for this beautiful, healthy gift of life. Perhaps we have a future First Lady on our hands with her namesake coming from great-grandfather George H.W. Bush, the 41st President.” Related: Jenna Bush Hager in tears as Laura, Barbara Bush call TODAY show. These grandparents are certainly excited for another grandchild to spoil and love! Lets hope that as Poppy and Mila grow up, George shares more precious photos!”

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