





“无论他是否喜欢,他和教皇一起成为全球名人,”华盛顿邮报全国记者玛丽·乔丹周四告诉NBC特约记者Maria Shriver。“这个男人总是落后一步,这简直令人着迷。教皇受到如此多的关注。“



图片: Pope Francis holds a prayer meeting with the U.S. bis at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington
主教。迈克·迈尔斯,官方翻译教皇弗朗西斯(左)在访问美国期间一直在教皇的身边,其中包括周三在华盛顿特区圣马太大教堂举行的美国之间的祈祷会。.MARY F. CALVERT /路透社

“(教皇弗朗西斯)需要一个可以不引人注意或不干涉那对他来说意义重大的遭遇的人,所以Monsignor有一个非常微妙的任务,我认为他似乎做得非常好,”Kathleen Sprows Cummings,圣母大学Cushwa美国天主教研究中心主任说.

图片: Pope Francis Drives Parade Route Around D.C.'s National Mall


图片: Pope Francis Arrives From Cuba For Visit To D.C., New York, And Philadelphia

“我相信教皇弗朗西斯选择了他,因为他们有相似的性格,”乔丹说。 “当你翻译时,你不想只说出这些话。你想热情地说出你是怎么说的。”

星期二,在教皇弗朗西斯成为迈尔斯之后,第二名男子在安德鲁斯空军基地下飞机,他一直陪伴在他的大部分旅程中.Andrew Harnik / AP




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Due to the massive crowds during Pope Francis visit to the United States this week, his translator and unofficial “sidekick” have attracted many fans of their own. Bishop Mark Miles served as the Popes official translator, helping him spread his message during his six-day trip to Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York City. Dubbed the “mini Pope” by some, Miles has been accompanying Pope Francis in greeting the faithful at the Capitol and visiting the White House and Congress. The 48-year-old Miles, who was born in Gibraltar, speaks a crisp British accent that quickly won over fans of the Popes English-speaking abilities.

    “Whether he likes it or not, he and the Pope have become global celebrities,” Washington Post national reporter Mary Jordan told NBC correspondent Maria Shriver on Thursday. “This man is always one step behind, and its just fascinating. The Pope is getting so much attention.”

    Miles also has the tricky task of helping the Pope convey his message in front of large crowds and small personal encounters while trying to avoid taking any spotlight himself. “He needs someone who can be unobtrusive or not interfere with encounters that are significant to him, so Monsignor has a very delicate task, and I think he seems to be doing it very well,” said Kathleen Sprows Cummings, director of the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame.

    In his 18 scheduled speaking engagements during his six-day trip, Pope Francis will only speak English in four of them, so Miles will have ample face time translating public information. The Pope, who is from Argentina, is fluent in Spanish and Italian but does not often speak publicly in English.

    Miles is in the right place next to the Pope, as Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and guests were welcomed and invited by the Pope after he arrived in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.

    “I believe Pope Francis chose him because they have similar personalities,” Jordan said. “When youre translating, you dont want to just say these words. You want to say them with passion.”

    After the deadly typhoon in January, Miles accompanied the Pope to the Philippines, where his sensitivity shone through as he translated the Popes emotions as much as his words.

    Pope Francis translator, Bishop Mark Gerard Miles, does a

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