

没有人喜欢停车罚单或拖车,任何试图在大城市停车的人都知道找到一个地方的头痛。在购买了数千美元的门票后,一对芝加哥室友决定将他们的挫折感引入 – 还有什么?.

Mark Lawrence和Jeremy Smith于2011年推出了SpotHero,允许用户在他们所在地区的合作车库中预留空间并锁定折扣。不久之后,第三位联合创始人Larry Kiss加入了公司。 2012年,该公司完成了TechStars计划,该计划旨在帮助企业家将新技术推向市场,迄今已筹集了700万美元的资金.

“我们认为必须有更好的方法,”劳伦斯说。 “我们不懈地专注于改变人们停车的方式。这是全国数百万人每天都在做的事情,而且我们是创新的,因为我们正在采取已经完成的工作,我们正在做得更好“。






折扣可高达80%,但劳伦斯表示这取决于一天和一周的时间以及是否有事件发生 – 所以它可能与某些情况下的提高成本相同.


“国际上有很多城市肯定可以使用这样的应用程序,所以你确切知道你将要停放的地方以及你将支付多少钱,”他说。 “但我们现在的重点是北美。”





“我们的目标是让驾驶和拥有汽车变得容易,”他说。 “拥有一辆汽车最重要的事情之一就是停车会有多紧张。所以我们相信,如果我们能解除这一点,那么继续拥有一辆汽车将会很棒。”


“我想说我没有得到更多门票,但它已经大幅下降,”他说。 “我会说应用程序解决了90%的停车问题。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the SpotHero app, which allows users to reserve parking spaces in partnered garages and lock in discounts. The app has been successful in helping people find parking in big cities and has partnered with 200 parking companies in 12 coastal cities in the US. The company takes a 15% commission from each parking sale and has completed over 1 million parking reservations since its launch in 2011. The app is free for consumers to use and offers discounts of up to 80%. The co-founder, Mark Lawrence, believes that parking will continue to be a hot commodity despite the popularity of transportation startups like Uber and Lyft. The companys goal is to make owning and driving a car easier by solving the problem of finding parking.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the SpotHero app, which allows users to reserve parking spaces in partnered garages and lock in discounts. The app has been successful in helping people find parking in big cities and has partnered with 200 parking companies in 12 coastal cities in the US. The company takes a 15% commission from each parking sale and has completed over 1 million parking reservations since its launch in 2011. The app is free for consumers to use and offers discounts of up to 80%. The co-founder, Mark Lawrence, believes that parking will continue to be a hot commodity despite the popularity of transportation startups like Uber and Lyft. The companys goal is to make owning and driving a car easier by solving the problem of finding parking.

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