


星期五标志着臭名昭着的芬兰航空公司666航班从丹麦哥本哈根(CPH)起飞,并于13日星期五直接飞往芬兰赫尔辛基(HEL)的最后时刻 – 这一事件仅发生了21次,因为这次恶搞飞行令人恶心首次亮相11年前.

顺便说一句,75分钟的飞行 – 安全着陆 – 并没有消失,只是在月底被分配了一个新号码,芬兰航空公司通过推特告诉传单.

该公司解释说,“从哥本哈根到赫尔辛基的AY 666将于10月29日成为AY954”.



无畏的飞行者们仍然可以获得完整的666航班至HEL体验 – 再也不会在13日星期五再次出现,这可能会让那些遭受三轮恐慌或者担心13号的人更加诱人。(尽管如此,很难想象这次飞行中的任何乘客都会挣扎着任何形式的迷信。)

对于芬兰航空公司来说,他们说得太长了,只有眨眨眼,还有一个聪明的邀请加入另一个航班 – 这个从新加坡到赫尔辛基.

“告别Finnair AY666,但请记住,我们仍有从SIN到HEL的航班,”该公司开玩笑说。.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    This is the end of an era for flight 666 to HEL. Friday marked the infamous Finnair flight 666 departing from Copenhagen (CPH) and flying directly to Helsinki (HEL) for the last time – an event that has only occurred 21 times since the first spooky flight 11 years ago. Now its Friday the 13th and @Finnair is operating the last #AY666 flight to HEL from #CPHairports. Welcome and see you soon! #smoothtravelling pic.twitter.com/FMX7WggjnU – Helsinki Airport (@HelsinkiAirport) October 13, 2017. By the way, the 75-minute flight – safely landed – did not disappear, it was just assigned a new number at the end of the month, Finnair told flyers via Twitter. #HEL partly sunny weather welcomes the AY666 flight from Copenhagen. pic.twitter.com/40XiUpV9fm – Finnair (@Finnair) October 13, 2017. The company explained that “AY 666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki will become AY954 on October 29.” Fearless flyers can still get the full 666 flight to HEL experience – never to be seen again on Friday the 13th, which may make it even more tempting for those who suffer from triskaidekaphobia or fear of the number 13. (Although its hard to imagine any passengers on this flight struggling with any form of superstition.) For Finnair, they said it best with a wink and a clever invitation to join another flight – this one from Singapore to Helsinki. “Goodbye Finnair AY666, but remember, we still have flights from SIN to HEL,” the company joked.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    This is the end of an era for flight 666 to HEL. Friday marked the infamous Finnair flight 666 departing from Copenhagen (CPH) and flying directly to Helsinki (HEL) on Friday the 13th for the last time – an event that has only occurred 21 times since the first spoof flight 11 years ago. Now its Friday the 13th and @Finnair is operating the last #AY666 flight to HEL from #CPHairports. Welcome and see you soon! #smoothtravelling pic.twitter.com/FMX7WggjnU – Helsinki Airport (@HelsinkiAirport) October 13, 2017 By the way, the 75-minute flight – safe landing – did not disappear, but was assigned a new number at the end of the month, Finnair told flyers via Twitter. #HEL partly sunny weather welcomes the AY666 flight from Copenhagen. pic.twitter.com/40XiUpV9fm – Finnair (@Finnair) October 13, 2017 The company explained that “AY 666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki will become AY954 on October 29.” Fearless flyers can still get the full 666 flight to HEL experience – never to be seen again on Friday the 13th, which may make it even more tempting for those who suffer from triskaidekaphobia or fear of the number 13. (Although its hard to imagine any passengers on this flight struggling with any form of superstition.) For Finnair, they said it too long, just blink, and theres a clever invitation to join another flight – this one from Singapore to Helsinki. “Goodbye Finnair AY666, but remember we still have flights from SIN to HEL,” the company joked.

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