在员工称她为“跛子”之后,酒店向Amy Van Dyken-Rouen道歉

在员工称她为“跛子”之后,酒店向Amy Van Dyken-Rouen道歉

奥运会金牌获得者Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在星期三因为德克萨斯州一家酒店的一名保安称她为“跛子”而被“震动”。



“今天被安全带到了我的房间,一位名叫Bam Bam的酒店安全人员说’这里发生了什么事?现在护送残疾人?””’43岁的Van Dyken-Rouen在Instagram上写道。”我在颤抖。对不起我的♿️好友也要处理这件事。我们需要把它变得和其他诽谤一样糟糕。“

相关:瘫痪的奥运选手Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在复苏方面迈出了新的一步


Van Dyken-Rouen还指出,她的丈夫,前美国国家橄榄球联盟的下注者汤姆鲁恩,通过酒店总经理通过电话道歉.

“我们真诚地为这次事件道歉,因为它根本不代表我们的公司文化或我们在这里的其他员工,”盖洛德德克萨斯酒店公共关系总监Martha Neibling在今天发给一份声明中写道。 “我们正在处理这种情况,并且还亲自与Van Dyken女士谈过,与她分享我们最深切的道歉。”

相关:Amy Van Dyken-Rouen揭示了事故发生1年后让她回到水中的原因

Van Dyken-Rouen还强调,这是一名员工的行为,并不代表整个酒店员工.


Amy Van Dyken-Rouen在事故发生后1年仍然乐观


Van Dyken-Rouen不仅在自己的康复中勤奋努力,还与丈夫一起努力帮助他人,组建Amy’s Army,这是一个帮助改善脊髓损伤患者生活的组织,包括为他们提供设备,不属于保险范围.

Amy Van Dyken展望未来:’每一天都是祝福’


在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, it is important to acknowledge that the incident involving Amy Van Dyken-Rouen being called a derogatory term by a hotel security guard is unacceptable and hurtful. It is commendable that the hotel management apologized and took responsibility for the actions of their employee. Discrimination and ableism have no place in our society, and it is important to continue to raise awareness and educate others on the harm caused by such behavior. Amy Van Dyken-Rouen is an inspiration for her resilience and determination in her recovery, and her efforts to help others through her organization, Amys Army, are admirable.

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