


19岁的Destiny Tompkins描述了她在纽约怀特普莱恩斯的Banana Republic商店转移期间发生的事情.

“我被告知去办公室与我的经理迈克尔(迈克)说话,他是一个白人男子,”汤普金斯在一篇现已成为病毒式的Facebook帖子中写道,该帖子共享了超过57,000次。 “他告诉我,我的辫子不适合香蕉共和国,而且他们的形象太’城市’和’蓬头垢面’。他说,如果我不把它们拿走,那么在我做之前他就不能安排轮班。“


“当我试图向他解释这对我的头发来说是一种保护性的风格(因为)它在寒冷时会变得非常脆,他建议我使用乳木果油代替它,”汤普金斯写道。 “在我的生活中,一个白人从未如此羞辱和堕落。”


询问她发型的经理现在被解雇了,香蕉共和国发言人Sheikina利物浦于10月8日向TODAY Style证实.

她在电子邮件声明中说:“我们的团队立即开始立即调查,并迅速将相关经理从商店中移除。” “今天我们结束了调查,并确认经理已经被公司终止。香蕉共和国对歧视零容忍。这种情况完全不可接受,违背了我们的政策,绝不反映我们公司的信念和价值观。“




“我们仍然……贬值,我们的头发选择被视为在任何专业环境中工作都令人生畏和过于贫民窟,”她在电子邮件中告诉TODAY Style。 “黑人女性很漂亮,我们的头发选择需要停止被视为不专业,特别是当她们被白人妇女高度淘汰时。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand that the article discusses the discrimination faced by a Banana Republic employee for wearing a braided hairstyle. The incident highlights the ongoing discrimination faced by black women in the workplace for their hair choices. It is important to recognize and address such discrimination to create a more inclusive and diverse work environment.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the given text into various languages. Here is a possible comment in English:

    It is unacceptable that an employee of Banana Republic was disciplined for wearing a protective hairstyle. Destiny Tompkins experience highlights the ongoing discrimination that black women face in the workplace due to their hair choices. It is time to stop devaluing and stigmatizing natural black hair as unprofessional or ghetto. Companies should have zero tolerance for discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion. Kudos to Banana Republic for taking swift action and terminating the manager who made such offensive remarks. Lets continue to raise awareness and challenge the systemic biases that perpetuate hair discrimination.

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