米歇尔·杜格(Michelle Duggar)抛弃了m鱼,获得了新的发型

米歇尔·杜格(Michelle Duggar)抛弃了m鱼,获得了新的发型

获得戏剧性的新发型绝非易事。 19岁的妈妈米歇尔·杜格加(Michelle Duggar),以她熟悉的长卷曲发辫结束的生日改造结束,这让整个家庭感到震惊.


8月份,米歇尔46岁之前发生了重大改造 生日,它本周播出的Duggars的TLC节目“19 Kids and Counting”,记录了这个位于阿肯色州的大型基督教家庭的日常生活。在节目中,你可以看到米歇尔脸上的震动,当她在沙龙椅上旋转,看到她的头发缩短了8英寸并拉直了.


她的丈夫吉姆鲍勃不是新人的忠实粉丝。 “我喜欢它的时间更长,”他说 – 两次.

米歇尔说她计划将其发展出来。 “我想取悦我的老公,这都是他喜欢的,”她告诉TODAY.com。 “他说他喜欢我长而飘逸的头发!”米歇尔说,每天早些时候醒来一整天,为了照顾她的19个孩子,她的头发都要整理和定型。.


但她并没有完全恢复她以前的风格。有些日子,她穿着它,有些日子卷曲,而她的大女儿帮助她发现了新的风格。在他们的家庭圣经学习之后的许多个夜晚,米歇尔告诉TODAY.com,她的大女儿将围着她用卷发棒,刷子和发夹穿上她的头发。米歇尔说,这让她想起了他们年轻的日子,她会用辫子或辫子做头发 – 但现在角色却逆转了.

“我的女孩们玩得比我更多;我很忙,我没有时间,“她说。 “我小时候经常和他们一起玩,现在他们在妈妈身上做了。”



她不必担心。 “我所有的女孩都说,’妈妈,别担心,我们不会去砍掉我们的头发。’我就像p,谢谢你。”

你可以说整个改造是一次学习经历。感谢她的女儿,她学会了一些新的方式来改变她的风格,同时仍然取悦她的男人。米歇尔说,她学到了一个新名词:m鱼。在她听到有人在基督教广播电台上开玩笑之前,她说她从来没有听过这个词 – 并且不知道有人提到她的短前,长背发型作为m鱼.

“我刚刚意识到什么是m鱼,我之前从未真正听说过,”她告诉TODAY.com。 “我想,这太好笑了!”

今天妈妈的编辑Rebecca Dube希望她的丈夫喜欢看她的头发扎成马尾辫,因为大多数时候,这就是他要得到的东西。.









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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Getting a dramatic new hairstyle is not an easy task. Michelle Duggar, a 46-year-old mother of 19, shocked her entire family with a birthday makeover that ended with her familiar long curly hair in braids. “Its completely different. Absolutely different,” Michelle told TODAY.com on Friday (using the polite phrase known to women around the world, “Oh no, what have I done?!”). In August, Michelle underwent a major makeover before her 46th birthday, which was documented on the Duggars TLC show “19 Kids and Counting,” which chronicles the daily life of the large Christian family in Arkansas. On the show, you can see Michelles shock as she spins in the salon chair and sees her hair cut 8 inches shorter and straightened. “This is what I look like when I come out of the shower!” she told TLC cameras in a post-haircut interview. Michelle told TODAY.com that her naturally wavy hair had been past her back since middle school. Her husband Jim Bob is not a fan of the new look. “I liked it longer,” he said – twice. Michelle said she plans to grow it out. “I want to please my husband, and thats what he likes,” she told TODAY.com. “He says he likes my hair long and flowing!” Michelle said she spends all day every day styling and fixing her hair, waking up earlier than her 19 children to do so. Her youngest was a bit shocked too. Michelle said her 3-year-old Josie kept touching her straightened hair and saying, “Mommy? Mommy? Mommy! Mommy?” as if to make sure she was still the same person. But she hasnt completely gone back to her old style. Some days she wears it straight, some days curly, and her oldest daughter helped her find a new style. After many nights of family Bible study, Michelle said her oldest daughter would gather around her with curling irons, brushes, and hair clips to style her hair. Michelle said it reminded her of their younger days when she would do their hair with braids or pigtails – but now the roles are reversed. “My girls play with it more than I do; Im busy, I dont have time,” she said. “I used

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