


今天与私人教练兼健身博主Sophie Kay进行了交谈,他证明了“前后”健身改造可以像拍摄自拍一样简单.


Sophie Kay / Fitology




“我已经努力成型并对自己的身体感到高兴,所以我不会照镜子而讨厌它,”她说。 “我作为私人教练训练,以帮助其他人成为最好的,而不是最好的 其他 人们可以。“







  1. 改变照明. Kay建议找到能够展示轮廓的灯光。例如,之前和之后的照片之间的区别在于,灯在第一个灯亮起,在第二个灯关闭.
  2. 摆姿势. 她解释说,找到一个展示你身材的角度很重要。对Kay而言,这是关于炫耀她的腰部,但她鼓励其他人决定他们最喜欢自己的东西并突出它。例如,在第一张照片中,直接拍摄并不像她扭曲身体时那样讨人喜欢.
  3. 弯曲那些肌肉. 在第一张照片中,凯承认要推开她的肚子,但在第二张照片中,她紧紧抓住这些肌肉以创造出瘦削的轮廓.
  4. 装备很重要. 就像拍摄专业照片一样,必须穿着合身的衣服和内衣。虽然她在自拍中倾向于只穿内衣(以展示她的结果),但她建议决定你最舒服的方式。在网上把它全部搞糟可怕.
  5. 过滤它. 过滤器可以完全改变您查看最终结果的方式。凯喜欢使用更自然的设置,并不是那些采取“修复”缺陷的应用程序的粉丝,例如祛除瑕疵或瘦下腿。她敦促不要过度编辑,并支持让照片保持自然,如果有点增强.
  6. 自信点. 凯说,当她对自己感觉良好时,她会拍出最好的照片。她解释说,与你在健身旅程中的任何地方相比,对自己所取得的进步感到自信,快乐和自豪更为重要。.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English:

    “This is the official beach season, and we bring you good news: showing off a “bikini body” may be easier than you think. Today, we talked with private coach and fitness blogger Sophie Kay, who proved that “before and after” fitness transformations can be as simple as taking selfies. In her recent blog post on Fitology about health myths, Kay highlighted the inaccuracy often found on social media. These selfies were taken within three minutes, not weeks or even months apart. So how did Kay make these two photos look so different? It all comes down to some quick and easy photo styling tricks. Kay admits she hasnt always been very healthy, explaining that she has been both overweight and too thin. But in the past few years, she has dedicated her life to health. “Ive worked hard to shape and be happy with my body, so I dont look in the mirror and hate it,” she said. “I train as a personal trainer to help others be their best, not to be the best others can be.” The reality is, if youre not focused on fitness and dieting (perhaps without the genes to support it), its almost impossible to look like the models and celebrities flooding social media. “Just because someone in the industry loses 20 pounds doing some diet doesnt mean you will. You will never be them because you are you,” Kay explains. At 27, Kay noticed the pressure of body image intensifying over the years. “Growing up, it was the pressure of magazines and TV shows, but thats just the way it is. Now, youre bombarded with images of perfect women or perfect men,” Kay said. But with the right lighting and posture, you can still take perfect full-body selfies. For those confident with a camera, Kay has six simple tips: change the lighting, pose, bend those muscles, wear the right gear, filter it, and be confident. Kay says she takes her best photos when she feels good about herself. She explains that feeling confident, happy, and proud of the progress youve made in your fitness journey is more important than comparing yourself to others.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English:

    “This is the official beach season, and we bring you good news: showing off a “bikini body” may be easier than you think. Today, we talked with private coach and fitness blogger Sophie Kay, who proved that “before and after” fitness transformations can be as simple as taking selfies. In her recent blog post on Fitology about health myths, Kay highlighted the inaccuracy often found on social media. These selfies were taken within three minutes, not weeks or even months apart. So how did Kay make these two photos look so different? It all comes down to some quick and easy photo styling tricks. Kay admits she hasnt always been very healthy, explaining that she has been both overweight and too thin. But in the past few years, she has dedicated her life to health. “Ive worked hard to shape and be happy with my body, so I dont look in the mirror and hate it,” she said. “I train as a personal trainer to help others be their best, not to be the best others can be.” The reality is, if youre not focused on fitness and dieting (perhaps without the genes to support it), its almost impossible to look like the models and celebrities flooding social media. “Just because someone in the industry loses 20 pounds doing some diet doesnt mean you will. You will never be them because you are you,” Kay explains. At 27, Kay noticed the pressure of body image intensifying over the years. “Growing up, it was the pressure of magazines and TV shows, but thats just the way it is. Now, youre bombarded with images of perfect women or perfect men,” Kay said. But with the right lighting and posture, you can still take perfect full-body selfies. For those confident with a camera, Kay has six simple tips: change the lighting, pose, bend those muscles, wear the right gear, filter it, and be confident. Kay says she takes the best photos when she feels good about herself. She explains that feeling confident, happy, and proud of the progress youve made in your fitness journey is more important than comparing yourself to others.”

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