


在其最新的病毒式广告中,所有形状,大小和颜色的着名美丽品牌以美丽的方式展现出不同的能力。新的Aerie广告展示了来自各行各业的真正女性,他们自豪地展示了他们的残疾,病情或疾病 – 他们非常鼓舞人心.


鹰巢 model with insulin pump
这位美女自豪地模仿她的胰岛素泵.Aerie&American Eagle

Gaylyn Henderson用她的造口袋出现在广告中,告诉TODAY Style她很高兴有机会将一种经常被认为是负面的情况变为积极的。 “得到像美国鹰这样有影响力的品牌的支持,以促进积极的造口术意识已经改变了生活,我知道这是因为我看到和接受的反馈,”她说.



鹰巢 model with colitis bag
Gaylyn Henderson骄傲地展示了她的结肠炎袋.Aerie&American Eagle


“尽管造口术是拯救生命的手术,但许多人因为负面的耻辱感而不愿意接受它们。我不想像其他人一样遭受不必要的痛苦,因为围绕着人工造成的负面耻辱和生活,”她说。 “几乎没有积极的意识或计划专门针对增加自我价值,因为它与造口术有关。所以,我开始组织Gutless和Glamorous,”她说.






鹰巢 bra campaign
Aerie的活动表明,美女不适合放在盒子里.Aerie&American Eagle


“在大气层中有一种无法形容的无法形容的感觉。我们中的许多人,包括我自己,因为疾病以及它可能造成的毁灭性身心影响而挣扎于自我接纳,”亨德森说。 “我们了解这场运动意味着什么,这将是多么特别!”

亨德森的同伴模特之一是切尔西维尔纳,他是一名残疾综合症的残奥会体操运动员。 Werner由We Speak代表,We Speak是一个代表各种规模和背景的健康意识模型的模特经纪公司。 Werner告诉TODAY Style,她很高兴与她最喜欢的品牌合作.

“当我听到自己参加这场竞选活动时,我感到非常兴奋!当我拍摄它时,它变得更好。我遇到了生活中遇到挑战的人和我的偶像Aly Raisman,”Werner说。 “我很自豪能成为其中的一员。我希望这传达一个信息,即我们都是独特而美丽的,并且喜欢被代表。”

新的活动只是Aerie致力于真正美丽的最新例证。该品牌最近推出了一款模特,在泳装广告中展示了她的粉刺,Aly Raisman和Rachel Platten也在今年早些时候出演了该品牌的无照片广告。在一份声明中,Aerie告诉TODAY Style,他们很高兴有机会庆祝来自不同背景的各种美女.

“作为一个品牌,自2014年推出#AerieREAL以来,Aerie一直是女性赋权和庆祝包容性和身体积极性的领导者。我们最新的胸罩模特是我们品牌持续致力于展示真实,真实和未经修饰的女性的一部分。在我们所做的一切工作的核心,“Aerie全球品牌总裁Jennifer Foyle说道.


Rachel Platten和Iskra Lawrence谈论身体积极性运动


“通过这次活动勇敢而自豪地展示她的造瘘术,Gaylyn正在提高认识并消除围绕IBD和造口术的耻辱感,”克罗恩病和结肠炎基金会总裁兼首席执行官Michael Osso说。 “我们赞赏Gaylyn帮助所有患有慢性疾病的患者建立一个接受和身体积极性的世界,并感谢Aerie在他们的新活动中包括一名IBD患者。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the text provided into various languages. Here is a translation of the text into English:

    Dear Aerie: Thank you again for showing that true beauty doesnt fit in a box. In its latest viral ad campaign, the famous beauty brand showcases the different abilities of beauty in all shapes, sizes, and colors. The new Aerie ad features real women from all walks of life who proudly display their disabilities, illnesses, or conditions – they are truly inspiring. From the gorgeous woman with Down syndrome to the beauty shaking her insulin pump, these new photos show that its time for more advertising campaigns to include various forms of beauty. This beautiful woman proudly mimics her insulin pump. Aerie & American Eagle Gaylyn Henderson appeared in the ad with her ostomy bag, telling TODAY Style that she was thrilled to have the opportunity to turn what is often considered a negative situation into a positive one. “Having the support of influential brands like American Eagle to promote positive ostomy awareness has changed lives, and I know this because Ive seen and received feedback,” she said. After being diagnosed with Crohns disease in 1998, Henderson underwent several surgeries and procedures, including her most recent surgery, a total proctocolectomy, which involved removing her rectum and all or part of her colon. As a result, she had to wear an ostomy bag. “I held on to my colon as long as I could because what happens next if this surgery doesnt work? I still held on to that thing that killed me to be normal. But coming out of it, Henderson said, “It was the best thing that ever happened to me when I didnt have a choice.” Gaylyn Henderson proudly displays her ostomy bag. Aerie & American Eagle Hesitant to get surgery due to the shame surrounding it, Henderson decided she had to take action to change the conversation around ostomies. “Despite ostomies being life-saving surgeries, many people dont want to have them because of the negative shame surrounding them. I didnt want to suffer unnecessary pain like so many others because of the negative shame and life surrounding artificiality,” she said. “There was almost no positive awareness or plan specifically geared towards increasing self-worth because it was related to ostomies. So, I started organizing Gutless and Glamorous,” she said. The

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