Glamour 2023年美容奖的15个预算友好选择

Glamour 2023年美容奖的15个预算友好选择






CoverGirl LashBlast卷睫毛膏

$ 7亚马逊

在过去的几年里,化妆师一直引用这款睫毛膏 – 魅力之一的“史上最棒的美容产品” – 作为最好的之一。我们特别喜欢它的毛茸茸的魔杖和厚厚的,但不是块状的配方。它给你的睫毛定义和体积.


$ 11亚马逊


露得清Hydro Boost保湿色彩

$ 15亚马逊



$ 25沃尔玛(Walmart)

高性能眼霜少于30美元是罕见的。名人化妆师Huda Kattan喜欢的这款凝胶配方,含有黄瓜提取物,对眼睛周围敏感的皮肤有清爽的清凉效果。.


$ 5沃尔玛(Walmart)

这款顶级洗发水和护发素来自Tresemmé,由名人发型师Clay Hawkins推荐,旨在保护头发免受七种风格损害 – 包括吹干,平熨和漂白。将它与品牌的Pre-Styling Spray(5美元)配对,增加损伤控制.

Garnier SkinActive一体化胶束清洁水

$ 7亚马逊


Dove Refresh + Care无香型干洗洗发水

$ 5沃尔玛(Walmart)



$ 10的Ulta

在魅力的“2023年最佳药店化妆品”中,这款来自欧莱雅的奇迹管与其许多设计师同行一样。此外,饱和,天鹅绒般的颜色可以保持 小时.

La Roche-Posay Toleriane双重修护保湿霜SPF30

$ 20的Ulta

这款来自La Roche-Posay的防晒保湿剂混合物由皮肤科医生推荐,能够抵抗强烈的紫外线,采用轻盈的乳霜配方,温和,适合敏感肌肤的人使用。.

Burt’s Bees风味水晶润唇膏

$ 2亚马逊

这里不足为奇!这款来自Burt’s Bees的椰子油和富含维生素E的润唇膏(由名人化妆师Kelsey Deenihan推荐)因其美味和持久保湿而获得最佳唇部护理。.

Ren Skincare大西洋海带和镁抗疲劳沐浴露

$ 27日Dermstore



$ 68丝芙兰



$ 8亚马逊

这些屡获殊荣的眼影调色板的色调经过精心设计,可以创造出一系列互补的外观,从而避免了化妆过程中的猜测。 “Chill Brunch Neutrals”(如图所示)中的青铜色和紫色色调与棕色和绿色眼睛很吻合.

John Frieda Frizz舒缓额外的力量精华素

$ 10沃尔玛(Walmart)

没有什么比不羁的毛躁更能破坏美好的一天。这款屡获殊荣的John Frieda精华液含有丝蛋白,可以控制湿度,从而获得控制权.


$ 10亚马逊


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Every year, Glamour editors and experts spend hours testing beauty products to find the best mascara, lipstick, moisturizer, and more. “If lipstick makes you feel ready to take on the world, thats important,” Glamour says, “or if it just makes you feel good, thats important too.” And thats what our beauty awards are all about. “This year, many of their picks cost less than $50. So, were particularly excited about Glamours 2018 Beauty Awards. From drugstore mascaras approved by time-tested experts to natural lip balms that can revive your dry, cracked lips, read on for our 15 favorite picks. Some cost just $2! Todays editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we truly love, and we hope you will too! You know, there are affiliate relationships today. So, while each product is independently selected, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue.”

    The text then goes on to list 15 beauty products, including CoverGirl LashBlast mascara, Differin gel, and Burts Bees flavored crystal lip balm, among others.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Every year, Glamour editors and experts spend hours testing beauty products to find the best mascara, lipstick, moisturizer, and more. “If lipstick makes you feel ready to take on the world, thats important,” Glamour says, “or if it just makes you feel good, thats important too.” And thats what our beauty awards are all about. “This year, many of their picks cost less than $50. So, were particularly excited about Glamours 2018 Beauty Awards. From drugstore mascaras approved by time-tested experts to natural lip balms that can revive your dry, cracked lips, read on for our 15 favorite picks. Some cost just $2! Todays editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we truly love, and we hope you will too! You know, there are affiliate relationships today. So, while each product is independently selected, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue.”

    The text then goes on to list 15 beauty products, including CoverGirl LashBlast mascara, Differin gel, and Burts Bees flavored crystal lip balm, among others.

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