Tori Spelling揭示了5号宝宝的性别 - 看到令人兴奋的照片! 2023

Tori Spelling揭示了5号宝宝的性别 – 看到令人兴奋的照片!

Tori Spelling和她的丈夫Dean McDermott已经了解了他们新生儿的性别!

已经拥有两个男孩和两个女孩的真人秀明星–Liam,9岁,Stella,8岁,Hattie,5岁和Finn,4岁 – 在照片和他们分享的视频中揭示了令人兴奋的(和打破平局!)信息电子!新闻.

东篱 Spelling and Family Find Out if It Is A Boy Or Girl
惊喜! Tori Spelling和她的家人都期待着 ….迈克尔西蒙/



东篱 Spelling and Family Find Out if It Is A Boy Or Girl

但是不要指望男孩们在Spelling-McDermott家族中长期占据主导地位。 “我们将不得不再有一个[孩子],”妈妈滔滔不绝地说.

这是43岁的“Beverly Hills,90210”明矾和她的家人第一次选择惊喜透露他们的宝宝的性别.

“Liam和Stella在医生办公室找到了.Hattie和Finn,我们没有发现,我们直到他们出生才知道,”Spelling在视频中解释道。 “所以这是第一次曝光。我们真的很想和孩子们一起做,因为他们非常兴奋,我们想做一个家庭!”

东篱 Spelling and Family Find Out if It Is A Boy Or Girl
Tori Spelling,Dean McDermott和他们的孩子,(L-R)Stella,8岁,Finn,4岁,Liam,9岁,和Hattie,5岁.迈克尔西蒙/

Spelling分享了她在十月份与人们再次期待的消息,揭示了“这是一个完全的惊喜” – 但确实是一个幸福的人.

有关Tori Spelling和Dean McDermott一起期待5号宝宝

“我们一直想要一个大家庭,”她说。 “我很激动。”

Tori Spelling怀有5号婴儿



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott revealing the gender of their fifth child. They have four children already, two boys and two girls, and they are excited to welcome another boy into their family. The couple decorated their Christmas tree with blue ornaments to celebrate the news. Tori also mentioned that they want to have a big family and are already thinking about having another child. Overall, it seems like the family is happy and excited about the new addition to their family.

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