

安东尼·布尔丹以其对食物的热爱以及在文化中不可分割的地位而闻名,但公众很少看到厨师,作家和世界旅行者的另一面 – 他也是一位忠诚的父亲.




Bourdain在二月份与Popula网站进行了交谈,在他现在出版的那篇文章中,他透露他的女友Asia Argento与他分享了一个重要信息:“孩子们独立于我们创造自己。”


“你所能做的只是表演,”他说。 “就像,在我的情况下,我的女儿感到被爱。她知道她被爱。她有很好的自尊。非常重要。而且有很好的武术技能。所以没有男人,没有男孩……她知道她可以接受任何男孩她的年龄组。“



“这就是我作为父亲所能做的一切,”他解释道。 “我不能选择那些……你知道的所有事情。我不能。她远远超过我。我不能选择她的音乐,她的男朋友,无论如何,不​​过她会结果。”

所以他给了她爱和指导 – 或者他称之为“这些基本的东西” – 并把剩下的留给了她.

“我认为她是多么坚决,她想改变世界多少,愿意牺牲以改变世界,”Bourdain继续说道,并没有对此表示赞赏。 “那必须来自内部。”

Bourdain还谈到了阿丽亚娜的母亲 – 他的第二任妻子Ottavia Busia,他于2016年离职,但从未离婚.




“我们的小女孩今天举办了她的演唱会,”布西亚写道,对已故厨师说。 “她太棒了。太强壮勇敢了。她穿了你买的靴子。我希望无论你身在何处,都会有一次愉快的旅行。”


Anthony Bourdain的母亲讲述了他的悲惨死亡


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Anthony Bourdain was known for his love of food and his integral role in culture, but the public rarely saw the other side of chefs, writers, and world travelers – he was also a devoted father. In his final interview, the 61-year-old young man began to talk about this role and praised the young girls who meant so much to him.

    In his last interview, Anthony Bourdain criticized Harvey Weinstein. In February, Bourdain spoke with the Popula website, and in the article he now publishes, he reveals that his girlfriend Asia Argento shared an important message with him: “Children create themselves independently of us.” This is consistent with the stars own views, as he believes that preparing his 11-year-old daughter Ariane for the world around her is important, rather than trying to shape her own image. “All you can do is show, “he said. “Like, in my case, my daughter feels loved. She knows shes loved. She has good self-esteem. Very important. And good martial arts skills. So no man, no boys…she knows she can take care of herself with any boy in her age group.” Besides, he really wants her to be herself.

    “Thats all I can do as a father,” he explained. “I cant choose all those…you know, all the things. I cant. Shes way beyond me. I cant choose her music, her boyfriends, whatever, but shell end up.” So he gave her love and guidance – or what he called “these basic things” – and left the rest to her. “I think how resolute she is, how much she wants to change the world, how willing she is to sacrifice to change the world,” Bourdain continued, not expressing appreciation for it. “That has to come from within.”

    Bourdain also talked about Arianes mother – his second wife, Ottavia Busia, whom he separated from in 2016 but never divorced. “Her mother…her mothers great,” he said.

    After Bourdains suicide in June, his ex shared a photo of their daughter performing at a rock music school, continuing her love for music and style that he did not push her towards, but she inherited all the same. “Our little girl had her concert today,”

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